Chapter 6: Goodbye Weapons and Hello Second Exam

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Killua POV

When I felt bloodlust come off of Sapphire, I was shocked.

Who is she? She is almost like me but not an assassin..........right? I thought in my head as I followed her into the wetlands.


As me, Gon, and Sapphire ran through the wetlands, the fog kept getting thicker and thicker.

Better catch up to Satotz. Hisoka looks like he is going to hunt. I thought in my head and told Gon.

"Gon, we need to catch up to Satotz!" I told him.

" Yeah, we don't want to get behind" Gon said.

" I'm more worried about Hisoka....he's going to kill someone soon." I replied to Gon.

"How can you tell?" Gon asked me.

" By smell" I told him.

He looked at me confused but kept running and told Kurapika and Leorio.

" Kurapika, Leorio, Killua said to run faster to catch up to Satotz" Gon yelled to them who was at the back of us.

"If we could, then we would be there now!!!!" Leorio yelled.

" Gon! Go ahead of us, we'll catch up with you!" Kurapika yelled at us.

"Ok let's go Gon and Sapp--- Where is Sapphire?!" I yelled.

As Gon and Killua looked around, what they didn't know is that Sapphire was having her own problems.

Sapphire POV

Tch, so annoying! I thought in my head angrily as I threw my last shuriken at one of the monsters.

As I kept attacking the monsters surrounding me, I felt one of them come up behind. When I turned around, I was too late. The monster came and ate my bag that contained my weapons.

Goodbye weapons... I thought in my head as I looked around to see that I used up all my weapons to kill these monsters.

I sighed as I put my headphones that were on my neck and started to listen music when when I heard a whimper coming from the forest. I walked inside to see three baby wolves huddled together looking at me scared and happy at the same time.

Maybe I should take care of them... I thought in my head as I leaned down and petted all their heads.

"Want to come with me?" I said to them with a little bit of caring which surprised me since I never talked like this.

The three of them looked at me, their eyes gleaming with happiness, and nodded at me. I took them in my arms and carried them with me to the second exam.

Timeskip the whole Hisoka incident~

As I walked to the next exam site, I keep thinking of names for the wolves when I thought the perfect names for them.

"I'll call you Shadow..." I pointed to the black furred pup that had red streaks and crimson eyes.

".......Violet......" I pointed to the white furred pup with purple streaks and violet eyes.

"And Yuki" I lastly pointed to the grey furred pup with blue streaks and deep ocean blue eyes.

They all barked in response which meant they said yes. I looked at them as I reached the second exam.


"Sapphire!" a familiar voice called to her.

As Sapphire turned around, she saw Gon and the rest of the gang coming up to her.

" What happened to you?!" All four yelled at Sapphire.

Why do they care? Sapphire thought in her head when a shout took her out of thought.

"So what happened?!" They all shouted at her.

"I killed monsters and adopted three wolf pups." I said to them with a glare as I took the pups out of their sight.

They all felt a shiver run down their spines and gulped loudly as they looked at Sapphire scared.

I sighed as I took a look at the wolves. They all looked scared of the strangers as they crawled in deeper into my shirt which was covered in blood. I leaned down to them and whispered to them.

"Do you want to go see my buddies? I made a island where I teleport all my animal companions with my mark. You could live there. Hunt, train, and play all you want." I asked them.

They looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and said the necessary chant.

"Shadow, Violet, Yuki, dismissed!" I muttered loudly as they all glowed and disappeared.

Good luck. I thought in my head as I saw the gates open.

" Come on Sapphire!" Gon yelled at me as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me in.

Alright. Well goodbye weapons and hello second exam. I thought in my head as me and Gon and the gang enter through the gates.


Finally I finished this chapter!
I hope you guys enjoy!

Next Time On
Chapter 7: Cooking Time!

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