Authors Note

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Dear Readers,

I am deeply sorry that I have not been able to update chapters in these past weeks or months. I promise that I will continue when I have the time for it. Also, I'm trying to add new events in this fanfic so if you can, please give me your opinions on how I can make it better.

Before I finish the note, I am thinking if I should change this to a Kurapika fanfic or just leave it as a Killua fanfic.

Thanks for reading and please comment your opinions and what should this be.

Should it be a:

Kurapika x Sapphire

Or a:

Killua x Sapphire

Fanfic? Please comment or vote for my story!

Thanks minna!

P.S: I do not own Hunter x Hunter! I only own the characters I created!

By: Anime_Spirit

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