Maths Class 📓

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A/N - instead of saying 'y/n pov' I'm just gonna say 'your pov'  :)
POV - means Point of View
If u didn't know Xx Chapter Below <3


"Should we go Noah?" I said asking him

"Yep, I'm ready for my very first maths class" Noah said while laughing

Your Pov

We get to our very first class of the week.. Maths. I sit down in my usual spot, which is at the back around the middle area. And Noah sits right next to me.

(A/N - Chloe, Amelia and Alicia are the "mean girls" aha)

"Hey Noah, do u wanna come sit with us?" Chloe said while leaning forward into Noah which I found really disgusting.

"Umm no I'm good here with y/n" Noah said smiling at me

"OMG! How do you know her name she's like a nobody" Amelia said while rolling her eyes at me

"Umm I know her name because 1) she is supper cute and 2) is also really nice and 3) she's my new best friend, and also she isn't a nobody, if I know her then that makes her a somebody, unlike you three"  Noah said

I feel my heart racing really fast!! Did Noah just say I'm really cute?! I start to blush, But no, y/n, you can't do this you don't even know the guy, and your best friend is in love with him, it will never work.

"Ugh, whatever, let's go girls" Chloe said and walked away.

"Thanks Noah, I really appreciate everything you said" I said, and when I finished talking I could feel my cheeks getting hot and I looked down at my books.

Oh no, am I blushing, I never blush.

"No problem y/n, I'm here to help" Noah said.

Noah's Pov

After I said that she was super cute I regret what I said but then, I could see y/n cheeks go rosy red, she was blushing.

"Ugh, whatever, let's go girls" This girl said and walked away.

"Thanks Noah, I really appreciate everything you said" y/n said, and when she finished talking her cheeks went red and she looked down at her books.

She looks so cute when she gets shy. I love it.

Your Pov

Class started and Noah gets asked to go to the front of the room to introduce himself.

Noah's Pov

"Noah, Noah Schnapp, can you please come up to the front of the class and introduce yourself"

I stand up and all, and I mean ALL of the girls eyes where on me except for
y/n which was nice for some weird reason.

"Umm hi, my name is Noah, Noah Schnapp, I'm 13, and this is my first Maths class" I smile and all of the girls eyes follow me as I go to sit back down.

"Hey, good job Schnapp" y/n said and laughed

"ahaha thanks" I said back to her.

and then class actually started

*bell for class 2 went // because I'm lazy and we don't want to talk about Maths do we now*

"Wow y/n you are really good at Maths" I said

"ahaha thank you, I guess, is that a compliment or are u calling me a nerd" y/n said and looked me dead straight in the eyes

Woah her eyes are so beautiful, she's beautiful.

"U-uhh no I didn't mean it like tha-"

"Oh Noah, I know I was just kidding"
y/n said and laughed

Even her laugh is perfect.

"Off we go to class 2 Art, I'm actually pretty good not gonna lie" y/n said and gave me a little competition look.

"Oh really now, is that how you wanna play, well for your information, at my old school I was the junior champion for the greatest art work" I said in a proud tone.

"Well, we will just have to see about that" y/n said and walked off

I had to run to keep up with her because all of these people where running up to me and blocking my view of where she was going, but we finally made it to art class.


A/N - and that's the end of Chapter 3 'Maths Class' I hope you enjoyed it and I think that's all from me byeeeeee Xx

- Bella ❤️

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