Hero ❤️

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"See you latter" they both said, and then they hugged me.

Noah and I where walking to our next class when I felt someone grab my arm...


Your Pov

I yelled


"Not until you take me back y/n!"
Josh said

"N-no, Josh, not after what you did to me"

I started to cry

Noah's Pov

I was walking back to my locker when I noticed y/n wasn't with me anymore I juts let it go as I juts assume she was stuck in the crowd and she would be here soon.

Your Pov

All of a sudden it's all black I can't feel anything everything hurts and I can't lift my arms and legs.

I open my eyes and I see a boy I've never see before, to be honest he's kinda cute.

"Hey, are you ok?" The boy said

"umm Ye-Yeah, I just can't feel anything and everything hurts and I can't lift my arms and legs....soooo umm"
I said and started to cry

"Hey, hey don't cry you'll be ok..."

"so uhh, what exactly happened?..."

"Well, this boy was like going crazy over you, like, I mean crazy, and then I ran up to him and I punched him in the stomach and he ran out of the hall to his locker, you must have been overwhelmed or something and then you fainted..."

"Oh." I said

"I'm Finn by the way.."

"I'm y/n, thanks for saving me"

"yeah, no problem, happy to help" Finn said

"Ohh, now I recognise you, your from that show, Stranger Things, right?"
I said

"Umm, yeah I am, I thought you would have gone crazy because u know, famous person" Finn said

"Just because your in a TV show doesn't mean everyone knows who u are and also doesn't mean that everyone watches your show.."

"So you really don't know who I am?"

"No, not really, I only know u from my best friend b/f/n, she's a crazy fan like crazy" I said

"Well she'll get the best surprise of her life" Finn said and Laughed.

"Yeah she'll probably die" I laughed

"So why are u here in the first place"
I said

"Well, I was supposed to surprise Noah, you know, my best friend" Finn said

"yeah I know him, his basically in all my classes" I laugh

"Oh, well, umm...yeah so I'm moving here, to this school, I don't know exactly for how long, but, I'm here!" Finn said in a happy tone and smiled.

Noah Schnapp // The New Boy....Where stories live. Discover now