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Did not proof read :)

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Noah's Pov 

N  (Noah)- Just don't think about them right now 

B (Bella)- Well what am i supposed to think about Noah... Ocean and Harvey are the ones who started all of this, that stupid game of Truth or Dare...

? - Hey Guys...

*Bella turned her head, i wish she hadn't, i wish we could just be alone* 

B - Your the ones who started all of this! your the reason that all of this has happened! your the ones who made me go through all the pain! i wish i never showed you around school, i- i wish i never met you!!..

*Bella's eyes where starting to water* 

O (Ocean) - Bella listen to us.

H (Harvey) - we tried to come in and see you at the hospital, but they wouldn't let us in. 

O - we are so happy you are okay Bella..

H - We don't know what we would have done without you 

B - i'm so sorry guys..

O - It's okay Bella, come here.

*Bella got up and hugged Ocean and then it became a big group hug, we all sat down and made some small talk, by now we have been sitting in the ice-cream shop for about 2hrs*

B - what do you guys want to do?

N - we could come back to my house and watch a movie, Ocean and Harvey you guys can come too, and stay over if you would like

O - Thanks! 

H - Yeah, thanks Noah

N - No problem

B - well, lets go!


B - What movie do you want to watch? 

H - ummm, maybe an 80s movie?

O - what about Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

B - or The Breakfast Club?

O - That's a good one!

N - What about Little shop of Horrors?

H - Never heard of that movie!?

N - Not many people have... But trust me it's good

B - okay then it's settled, we are watching Little shop of Horrors!!

(the movie is actually really good ahahaha for an 80s movie i recommend it!)

*it was about 30mins into the movie, and i could tell everyone was really loving it*

B - Hey Noah, i'm just gonna get a drink of water...

N - Okay..

*it's been a few mins and i haven't seen Bella, so i decided to get up and go to the kitchen, where she said she was*

N - Bella?! What's wrong why are you crying?

B - N-Noah

*Bella ran up to me and cried into my chest, i didn't want to ask what was wrong, i guess it was for the better, and i could just ask tomorrow when she is feeling better*

N - are you ready to come back and watch the movie?

B - y-yeah, i think so..

N - okay, lets go

*Bella and I walked back, hand in hand back to the couch, Bella laid down her head on my chest, i put a blanket over us and she sat up and i put my arms around her, her head still on my chest, Ocean and Harvey where on the other couch cuddling still wide awake watching the movie*

Bella's Pov 

*i had my head on Noah's chest, his arms wrapped around me, i could feel his heat beat, his breathing, so peaceful, i love this boy more than anything and i hope he knows that..* 

B - Noah?

N - Yes Beautiful?

B - I love you..

N - I love you too princ- i mean Queen 

B - much better, but i think i like princess better my prince

N - me too 

*Noah kissed me, this feeling i have missed, this feeling is special, it's like no other, it's passionate, comforting, and i still get them dam butterfly's* 

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sorry for a short chapter i got writers block sorry!

Bella Xx 

words - 665 

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