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Bella's Pov 

B (Bella) - Noah what do you mean we aren't done yet?!

N (Noah) - you will just have to wait and see my princess 

B - fine..

*back at Bella's House because i'm lazy :)*

B - so the surprise was coming back to my house, in complete darkness?

N - just wait and see

*Noah turned on the lights* 

B - OH MY GOD NOAH!! this is amazing!

N - i know how much you love Disney movies, and just anything Disney in general, so i had to do something special for you.

  (I'm sorry if you don't like Disney... Just change it)   

*Noah had made my living room all Disney themed, it had the Disney movies on the table, along with Disney themes food and decorations, he even got me the cutsst Dumbo the Elephant stuffed toy*

B - Noah you shouldn't have done this

N - I know, but i love you 

B - I love you too

N - Now what movie are we going to watch?!   

B - Aladdin!! That's my favorite!!

N - Than Aladdin it is!!

*The whole movie consisted of me and Noah snuggling, eating and the occasional


B - thank you so much Noah, today was probably the best day i have ever had

N - anything for my princess 

*All day i have teased Noah, and not letting him kiss me, but i felt like he earns it*

B - you earn this

N - wha-

*Before he could finish his sentence i pushed my lips onto his*

Noah's Pov

*Before I could finish my sentence Bella pushed her lips onto mine, i was completely taken by surprise, but i kissed back and let me tell you, their was some butterflies having a party in my stomach*  

N - woah 

B - my treat 

N - that was better than anything i could ever give you 

B - WRONG!! look what you gave me today, this is amazing Noah!!

N - That reminds me i have one more thing

B - no Noah, i don't need anymore you've done to much 

N - this is the last thing i promise 

B - okay promise?

N - promise, now close your eyes 

Bella's Pov 

*i did as he said an closed my eyes. a few seconds passed and i felt something cold around my finger* 

N - open your eyes princess 

B - Noah this is beautiful, thank you 

*I kissed him again* 

*it was a Pandora ring, to be specific the Tiara Ring*

Noah Schnapp // The New Boy....Where stories live. Discover now