Lunch 🥗🍎

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"Well that's the bell, time for lunch"

"Let's go!!" I said while following y/n out of class to our lockers.


Your Pov

I could feel Noah's hand brush against mine as we were walking back to out lockers to get ready for lunch, but I don't think much of it because the halls were really crowded so everyone was pushing and shoving.

"Ok here we are"

"Thanks y/n I really appreciate you taking me everywhere" he laughed

"yeah, no problem" I said while opening up my locker.

I feel someone jump on my back

"HEY BESTIE!!" b/f/n said

"OH MY GOD!! B/F/N!! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME...and hi to you too"

"So how was class?"

"Yeah it was good, Noah saw my painting and said it was good and he won't tell me what his painting is!! Which is really annoying but I'll just have to wait until next class"

once I said this I could see her eyes sparkle as she looked over to Noah.

" to b/f/n"

I was waving my hand in front of her face and then she snapped out of it


"You should be sorry you didn't listen to a word I said"

I shut my locker and Noah did too, at the exact same time

"Hey, Umm is it ok if I sit with u at lunch?" Noah asked


I got cut off by b/f/n saying

"Yeah that's totally fine!" b/f/n said

"Th-thanks..." Noah said

"Well I'm gonna meet you guys outside I'll be with f/n, bye!"

"Bye y/n" Noah and b/f/n said at the same time and they laughed. 

B/f/n Pov

*Noah is so cute, everything about him is just perfect, his smile, his laugh, his eyes, but to be honest I am a little jealous that y/n has practically every class with him, I only get to see him at break, but I mean y/n doesn't even like Noah so I'm fine...right?*

"So....b/f/n should we get going?" Noah said

"Yep...lets go"

I could feel my cheeks getting red, I was blushing so hard.

Noah's Pov

I cant believe y/n just left me like that...why am i mad? I shouldn't be mad, it's just a girl, I just met her today....

"So..b/f/n should we get going?" I said

"Yep...lets go" b/f/n said

We walk outside and all these girls run up to me, I'm not gonna lie I kinda hate it when people do this. Sometimes I wish I wasn't famous, and that I just lived a normal life, but then again being famous is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, so I can't complain.
I see y/n sitting with another girl I'm guessing that's one of her friends. I try my hardest to get out of the crowd and walk over to y/n. She's so pretty.

Your Pov

I stand up to see if I can see Noah in that big crowd, and then I spot him, his coming in my direction, I sit down and see that Noah is with b/f/n.

"Hey guys" Noah said

"Hey, come sit"

Noah sits next to me and then b/f/n on my other side and f/n in between Noah and b/f/n.

Seating arrangement

                           Y/N              F/N

"Woah, your better looking in person then in photos, good choice b/f/n"
f/n said

"Oi!! f/n shut up" b/f/n said and started blushing

"Thanks f/n I guess" Noah said

"It's a complement"  f/n said

"Ok, ahaha thanks" Noah said

We talked about some random stuff and then the bell went.


"I'll see you guys soon" I said to b/f/n and f/n

"See you latter" they both said, and then they hugged me.

Noah and I where walking to our next class when I felt someone grab my arm...


So that's the end of Chapter 5
'Lunch 🥗🍎'
I hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry I left you on a cliff hanger but I promise that the next chapter will be intense ahahaha.
That's all from me byeeeeee Xx

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