New Friends..

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Okay now all I need to do is ask Bella if her and Finn wanted to hang out at school tomorrow.

Noah Schnapp made a group chat and added

- Finn

- Bella

- Olivia

Noah - Hey Guys, Just wanted to see if all of you wanted to hang out at lunch for the last day of school!! I have some exiting news...

Bella - Yeah sure sounds like a plan!

Finn - sounds good to me.

Olivia - Can't wait!

Noah - See you all tomorrow!


Bella's Pov 

*I wonder what the exiting news is?!?! I cant wait to tell Noah that I've been dating Finn, but to be honest I would've thought Noah would have asked me out I thought he liked me....But I don't care i'm with Finn...Right?* 


Noah - Hey Guys!

Bella - Hey Noah, How are you? 

I gave him a hug, but he seemed weird about it....Why?

Olivia - Hey Noah, I missed you!

*She missed him? Why? and then Olivia kissed his cheek. Are they dating? Why would Noah want to date Olivia, he hates her! UGHH I don't understand.*

Noah - I'm Good, thanks for asking, and i missed you too Olivia.

Olivia - Hey Finn!

Finn - hi Olivia, Noah.

Bella - Hey Finn!

*Finn walked up to me and gave ma a kiss on the cheek and I hugged him and from the corner of my eye I could see Noah giving me a dirty look, he shouldn't be jealous he has his own girlfriend...*

Noah - So guys, I wanted to talk to you about something....Olivia and I are dating...

*THEY ARE WHATTTT!!!!! I had to sound happy for them I really wasn't tho, why wasn't I?*

Bella - That's wonderful i'm so happy for you. 

Olivia - Thanks Bella, i knew you would be okay with this.

Bella - Why wouldn't i

*and i gave her the biggest hug it was fake, but i couldn't show it I was all a little jealous, i can't be like this*

Finn - That's great!

Noah - Thanks Finn 


Principle - Can Bella and Noah Schnapp please come to my office, Bella and Noah please come to my office.

Noah - That's weird iv'e never been called to the principles office before

Noah Schnapp // The New Boy....Where stories live. Discover now