After School

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Finns Pov

I'm really happy I met y/n she's so cool and I'm happy she likes me for me not just because I'm famous. And to be honest she's kinda cute. RECAP BELOW 



Finn's Pov 

I really like y/n.. .so I asked her to come over and she said yes!!

Your Pov 

"Hey y/n! you wanna come over?" Finn asked me smiling like crazy.

"Yeah sure...what time?"  

"now? if that's okay?" Finn asked 

"Sure, is Noah and Olivia allowed to come?...."

"Ummm, i was hoping that it could just be the t-two of us..." 

"Yeah that's fine....Lets go!"

I was really confused on why he just wanted me to come over and not his best friend! maybe he just wanted to get to know me better, i'm okay with that....I think. 

 We arrive at Finns house and no one is home. 

"So what do you wanna do?" Finn asks

"I don't know, it's your house" I laugh 


it was really silent until i suggested to watch a movie. 

"Hey, i have an idea, how about we watch a movie?" I said 

"Yeah sure, that's a great idea!" 

I think i might like Finn...i don't know iv'e never had a true boyfriend, after when Josh and I broke up, all these boys wanted to go out with me,it was really strange and said no to all of them because i didn't know if i could trust anyone anymore. And then Finn and Noah came, they are so nice to me.

"So y/n what movie do you want to watch?" Finn said 

"i don't mind, but i love scary movies!"

"sameee!! this is great, iv'e never had a girlfriend that loves scary movies!"


"oh, sorry i did't mean it like that, i was meant to say a gir- 

"I know Finn" i laugh and he laughs too 

"sorry..." Finn said 

"You don't have to be sorry" 

"Well i'm still sorry, anyways back to scary movies" 

"oh, right, ummm, what about The Shining" i suggest 

"isn't that like an 80s movie?" 

"Yeah it is, got a problem with that!?" 

"No, no, no no problem at all, just shocked"

"is that a bad thing?"

"No, it's a good thing" 

"okay, good i got worried" I laugh weirdly 

"Okay, i'll put it on, make yourself comfortable" 


I sat on his couch, I put my bag on the floor, and put my legs up. 

"Okay, lets get this show on the road"  Finn said 

I laughed 

"Are you thirsty?" Finn asked 

"Uhh, no i'll be alright" 

"Hungry" He asked again 


"ok, well i'm gonna get you a glass of water anyways, because i'm not getting up in the middle of the movie"

"ok fine" I laughed 

Finn comes back out and passes me my water, and plays the movie. 

we got about halfway through the movie and then my phone buzzes...and it's Noah 



I hope you liked it!! and I cant wait for the next chapter some tea is going to be split aha

anyways I don't know but i;m writing on my laptop let me know if it looks different. 

Love you all!!

That's all from me Byeeeeeeee Xx Bella 

Noah Schnapp // The New Boy....Where stories live. Discover now