Meant To Be Yours

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Veronica's POV

I bring Mrs Dean to JD's room and tell her what's going on. "So? What'd you think?" I ask her. She just started to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm just... so happy my Jason has found someone so caring that she'd do something like this." She hugs me. "I'm glad to help." I hug her tighter. "I think it's a wonderful idea. I'll go pack." She lets go and rushes off to her room.

"I think my family, not counting my dad, really likes you." JD says. I sit beside him. "I lo- I just want you to be safe." I put my hand on his. "Why can't we say it?" He asks. "What?" I look at him. "Why can't we just say we love each other? We both have tried, but stopped ourselves." He explains. "Well, do you want me to say it?" I look at the floor. "No." He fully grabs my hand. "I'll say it." He uses his other hand to turn my head to face him. "Veronica Sawyer, I love you. With all my heart, I love you." I could see the tears in his eyes. "Well, Jason Dean, I love you too. With all my heart, I love you." I say back. He leans in first. I kiss back, wrapping by arms around him.

"Oh! I can come back." Mrs Dean stood at the door. "No, it's okay." She had a small bag packed. "How do we plan on getting out?" She asks. "Okay... JD and I will go out the front door. We'll say he's walking me out." I plan. "What about her?" JD points to his mom. "Remember how I got into your room the first time?" I smile. "No. She can't possibly climb down that tree." JD argues. "That's why we'll be outside." I explain. "How about I walk you out, then go back upstairs to help her." He offers. "Kids, I can climb down a tree." Mrs Dean steps in. "Oh. Okay. That's better." I say.

The plan was set. JD walked me out, his dad wasn't even paying attention. We walked over to the tree outside JD's window. Mrs Dean threw down the bags and we caught them. She slowly but swiftly climbed down the tree. We tried to drive off as quietly as we could. Mr Dean was pretty drunk so it wasn't hard. I directed Mrs Dean to my house. My parents aren't home all that often, so I don't have to worry about them.

I showed her the guest room, then brought JD to my room. "Wow, I didn't know you actually liked blue." He said, looking at my blue-schemed room. "Yeah. I've always loved blue. That's why I chose blue as my color with the Heathers." I explain. "Well, blue represents loyalty and wisdom." He smiles. "You're so smart." I say, resting my arms on his shoulders.

"Thank you." He says. "For what?" I ask. "For doing this for my mom and I." He explains. "That's what you do for the person you love." I say before giving a quick peck on the lips. I put my arms back at my sides. "Now get ready for bed." I throw his bag at him. "Alright, my love." He smiles and goes into my personal bathroom. I pull out some pajamas and quickly change into them.

I pull out my diary and start writing an entry. "Knock knock." Mrs Dean walks into my room. "Hi, Mrs Dean." I put my diary on my nightstand. "Please, call me Jill." She tells me. "Okay." I nod. "You are really sweet to do this for us." She begins. "Of course. Your son has helped me so much at school. He deserves to be in a loving home." I explain. "Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you." She says, then pulls me into a hug. I hear the bathroom door open. "Why do us Deans always walk in on other people?" JD laughs. I pull away. "Shut up." I playfully punch him in the arm.

"I will leave you to it. See you two in the morning." She smiles before retiring to the guestroom. I walk over to my bed and climb inside. JD looks at me, then joins me. "Today has been pretty interesting." I say, laying my head on his chest. "Yep. Glad I get to end it like this." He smiles. "We should get to sleep." I tell him. "Yeah. It's been a long day." He kisses my head. Soon enough, I'm out like a light.

"Ronnie, wake up." JD shakes me. "Ronnie?" I sleepily ask. "Yeah. Veronica... Ronnie." He explains. "Ooh, so clever." I kiss him. "Oh. And my mom doesn't have work today, so I can drive us to school." He tells me. "Cool." I get up and put on a plain blue dress. I quickly do my makeup. "Let's get downstairs. I have Eggos, so no one has to cook." JD laughs. "What?" I asked, confused. "Nothing, you're just funny." He says. We come downstairs to an empty kitchen. I open the freezer and pull out the frozen waffles. "1 or 2?" I ask. "1's fine." He walks over to me. "But I'm doing it." He takes the box from my hand. "Seriously?" I laugh. "Yes. I'm staying in your house, the least I can do is cook for you." He puts the waffles in the toaster and pushes the button thing down.

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