Hold Your Breath And Count the Days

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June 6, 1990

Veronica's POV

I sit on the bed, writing in my diary. Today is the last day of school and it is going incredible.

Dear Diary,

It's three days until graduation. To be honest, I'm a bit stressed. Everyone is so nice and I'm happy. Somehow, I'm valedictorian. Which is weird since I've been out of school for half the year. Ms Fleming says because I'm smart, but I don't know if that's it. I'm super nervous but JD told me "Just hold your breath and count the days. We're graduating soon." Which is actually very comforting now that is think about it.

Everything has been really weird since I gave that speech. Everyone loves me all of a sudden. It's still strange when people want to high five me. It's kind of sad to think that this is happening because someone died. I mean, Heather was a monster. Just like Kurt and Ram. Them less so. As they're more of idiots. Speaking of Kurt and Ram, they apparently are going to Ohio state on a football scholarship. Meanwhile, JD and I will be in Massachusetts, me studying journalism, and him studying law. Heather is going to Michigan State on a cheerleading scholarship. I couldn't be more proud of her. And Heather Duke will be in jail for at least ten years. I genuinely feel bad for her.

Anyways, I'm going to go to my last day of high school. Yay!



I close my diary and lay it on the desk. I meet JD at the door. We go to school, taking in that it's our last day as high schoolers. Everyone is going crazy. As usual, Heather is throwing a party tonight and I'm excited. JD sees James, who apparently he's friends with now, and leaves me to talk to him. James is also going to Michigan State, so at least Heather and him will be together.

"Hey, Veronica." I hear an annoyingly familiar voice. Yet the voice doesn't sound aggressive as usual. I turn around to see Henry. "Hi?" I'm confused. "I just wanted to apologize. I'm a complete asshole and I realize that now. I've been awful to you and Jason. I think you being arrested just made something click in my head. Then hearing you talk at the assembly really made me think." He rambles. "Why are you just talking to me now?" I ask. "I figured you didn't want to talk to me. I mean, you were receiving all this positive attention and I didn't want to mess with that. But I knew today could be one of my last opportunities." He explains. "Well thanks. I appreciate it." I smile at him for the first time since I met him. "Hug?" I open my arms. He smiles and hugs me. We pull away and he sighs. "Well I guess I'll see you around." He says before walking off.

JD walks up. "Did you two just hug?" He raises his eyebrow. "Yeah, we made up." I say in a tone that says: "Now don't say anything else about it." And he doesn't. School was great and when release came, we all ran out. Heather, James, JD, and I hang out at 7/11. Heather and James are super cuddly. I think it's cool that they're going to college together and we're going to college together. Not trying to speak too soon but maybe we'll all come back engaged. Wouldn't that be something. The party was nothing special, just usual teen stuff.

June 9, 1990

I put my gown over my dress and put on my cap. Jill takes pictures of us before we leave. We sit in our assigned seats, waiting for our names to be called. I sit on the stage since I'm the valedictorian. When JD is called I of course clap. He takes his diploma and gets a picture with Mr Gowan.

They obviously skip over Heather Duke, but we all feel weird when the two people that she's between in the yearbook are together.

Martha is called, we all cheer. Then Heather goes up, huge smile on her face. I couldn't express my pride in being friends with such a big ball of pure energy. Then when I'm called, I stand and take my diploma. I take the picture and retake my seat, feeling very nervous for my speech.

After the Principal Gowan speaks, I'm introduced. I look at JD before beginning. "For most of my life I was a nobody. At least as far as social standings go. But then I was associated with a group that made me popular. But I wasn't happy. Then a great guy helped be reach out in a better way. And I was happy. Yet I was being bullied and though people were around me, I felt alone. Then a tragic event helped me find myself and an assembly by the amazing Ms Fleming helped me realize what my part was in the world. And I think that's what we need. People that speak out against the bad things in the world. We don't need more Heathers, we need for Marthas, Jasons, and others of all of you. So I hope that you all go out and make a change and make the world a better place. So go out and shine as bright as stars." I say. "Thank you." I step down and go back to my seat.

"I now introduce: the class of 1990!" We all throw our caps up. We smile, knowing this journey is over. Now our next journey is college.

Hey y'all! So after this chapter there will be either one or two more (I haven't figured out the ending completely). I've very much enjoyed this year-and-a-half-long wild ride. I can't wait to see how you guys feel at the end.

Also, at the end I will be talking about an alternate ending I had in mind. You will hate me for thinking it and love me for not doing it (or the opposite if you're crazy like that, not judging though). Bye!

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