Never Shut Up Again

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I'm in a complete state of shock. I don't know what to do. Veronica is going to spend twenty years in prison for something she didn't do. Which is why I have to find Heather's real killer. Not that I give a crap, but I won't let Heather ruin Veronica's life from the grave.

At school, I walk up to Heather. She says nothing, she just hugs me. "I can't believe those jurors." She says. "Come with me." I tell her. We walk to where Heather is talking to someone. "Oh, if it isn't the friends of the murderer. Well, friend and lover." She smirks. "You know, for someone who just lost their 'best friend,' you really aren't that upset." I say. "Yeah, you're framing Veronica and we both know it." Heather accuses her. "Oh go whine all night somewhere else. No one believes you." Heather snarls. "Come on Heather." I lead Heather away.

"So what're you doing today?" Heather asks at lunch. "I'm going to see Veronica." I poke at my food. "We're going to figure this out." Heather assures me. Heather goes to the bathroom. I sit there, alone. The jocks are laughing at me, which of course isn't something new. Heather runs back in and hits my arm. "What?" I back away slightly. She drags me to the back of the school. "Oh my God. We got her." She says excitedly.

Heather Mac's POV

I go to the bathroom and close the stall. JD's sadness is really depressing. But I can't blame him. His girlfriend was convicted of a murder she didn't do. Besides, I'm just as upset about it. She is my friend too. I hear someone come in. I see someone come in and go to the mirror. I peek through and see Heather. I back up quietly to make sure she doesn't here me. "Idiots. No one would expect the mourning best friend." She laughs. "Freaking Heather. I'll never shut up again now that she's gone." As soon as she leaves, I run to find JD. I have to tell him. This could save Veronica.

Veronica's POV

JD shows up for a visit. He looks very excited when he sits down. We both pick up our phones. "Hey-" He stops me. "We got her." He says. "What?" I tilt my head. "Heather heard Duke admit to it. Heather's talking to police now." I tell her. "I- I don't know what to say." I really don't. I'm happy but at a loss for words.

Heather Mac's POV

The detective from the trial takes me to an interrogation room. I explain what I heard. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes. I wouldn't be here just to accuse her." I say. "Thank you. We'll bring her in for questioning."

I meet JD after and tell him. "So now we hope she confesses." He sighs. "Hey, we'll get her out." I touch his arm. He looks at it as something for than a friend touching you. I pull away. I have a boyfriend. I'm past my crush on him. Him and Veronica deserve each other. Especially after all this.


My mom and I sit the table. I'm poking my fork at my food. I'm not very hungry since my nerves are messing with my stomach. The phone rings. My mom gets it. "Hello?" She answers. "...Heather?" I look up. "Okay." She hangs up. "She said to turn on the news." We sit on the couch and turn to the news channel. "Recently, Veronica Sawyer was charged with the murder of high school student, Heather Chandler. But today, the police received a tip that a student at Westerburg High School had admitted to the act. This student was Heather Chandler's 'best friend,' Heather Duke. She was questioned earlier today and after some pressing, confessed. Police said she had bruised knuckles, which would have come from beating the victim to death. Apparently, Veronica Sawyer did not have these bruises. Police will release an official apology to Miss Sawyer. Just now, Heather Duke has been arrested for the murder." I look at my mom. "We need to go get her." I tell her

Veronica's POV

I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, when I hear keys jingling. I look to the door of my cell. I sit up. "What's happening?" I ask. "You're free to go." The guard says. "What?" My eyes widen. I never thought she would actually be arrested. "The charges are being dropped."

I walk outside and JD is waiting with his mom. I smile and run to him. I jump into his arms. He lifts me and then kisses me. "Thank you." I smile. "Hey, I said I would fight for you." I laugh and kiss him. After two incredibly painful weeks, I get to finally go home and relax.

I lay next to JD. "I love you." I nuzzle against him. "Love you too, Ronnie." He holds me close. "Thanks for fighting for me." I say. "Did you doubt I would?" He asks. "Well, being in prison gave me pause." I admit. "Well I did and will." He tells me. "Good." I sigh. "Now can I please get some real food?" I ask. He laughs into my shoulder. "Yes."

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