You Were All I Could Trust

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Veronica's POV

After two miserable more days in that god-forsaken hospital, I got released. JD refused to look away from me. He was genuinely worried about me. I understood but it was pretty annoying.

My first day back at school was nerve-racking. Being back was a terrifying thing after almost being murdered. "Have a good morning." JD kisses my forehead. I sneak into class as quietly as I could. For once, the Heathers left me alone... for a minute. As soon as our teacher stepped out, they were at the head of my desk. "How does it feel to have a failing relationship?" Duke smiles. "What?" I ask. "Aw... she doesn't even know her boyfriend is with someone else." Chandler says to Duke. "What're you talking about?" I insist. "JD's cheating on you with Heather Mac." Chandler states, as if it were the most normal thing. I look down, confused. "How do you know that?" I ask. Why was I listening to the Heathers? How could I stoop so low? "They were always together while you were gone, then when we joked about it in front of him, he left with her, even holding her hand. Not to mention the way Mac looks at him." She explains. Oh God. She had been looking at him weird when they'd visited me the last two days. Dang it, why is the first time I have a reason to believe Heather, it's about JD cheating on me. Before I can really say anything, the bell rings.

I storm out of class, sliding by everyone until I reach JD's locker. "Hey, babe what's-" He smiles at me. "Are you cheating on me?" I blurt out. "What?" His eyes widen. "You heard me! Are you cheating on me with Heather Mac?" I repeat. "No! Why would you think that?" JD says. "People have said that you and Heather were dating while I was in the hospital." I partially lie. C'mon, what was I supposed to do? Tell him the Heathers told me about it? He'd think I've completely lost my mind. "She's been looking at you really strange. And you've been doing the same." I cross my arms. "I can't believe this." He scoffs under his breath. "Can't believe what? That people finally saw that you're a cheating jerk?" I say a little too loudly. He looks up. "What?" He had the most offended face I'd ever seen. "I pissed off my mother for you, I left my parents for you, I've risked my health for you, my reputation's in shambles because I loved you, and the whole time you've been screwing a Heather!" I yell, tears welling up my eyes.

People had begun to crowd around us. Mac was watching, shame on her face. She was clearly proving my point. "I can't believe I ever trusted you!" I yell. "Veronica, sto-" JD was interrupted by my hand colliding with his cheek. "We're done." I spit, storming off. Martha was at her locker. "Can you drive me home?" I ask. "Of course." She puts her hand on my shoulder. She drops me off at my house. I hadn't been here in months.

I open the door. "Look who's back!" My mom puts down her book. "Leave me alone." I say, looking forward. "So you finally realized your dark horse was too dark?" She laughs. "Shut up!" I climb the stairs. "You can't just come home and expect me not to ask questions." She argues. "Well you can't expect me to answer them." I was now at my door. "Veronica Katherine Sawyer!" My mom warns. "Screw you!" I slam my door. I back up, tears finally flooding down my cheeks. I climb into my bed, sobbing and rocking back and forth.


I sat at the table, poking my food with my fork. "Hey, I'm sorry about Veronica." Heather sits next to me. I stay quiet. "It's not your fault. She-" She puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's not her fault. She was upset!" I say. "I wasn't blaming her! She clearly got fed lies by someone." Heather says. "He seriously is a cheater." A guy whispers to his friend as they walk by. "I'm going to her house." I say, standing up. "Do you want me to come?" She stands up too. "No, that'd make it so much worse." I tell her.

I pull up to Veronica's house. Her parents were home, so I decided to do what she does. She didn't have a tree, so I left my coat in the car and slowly climbed to her window. I saw her crying on her bed. I worked up the nerve to give a little knock.

Veronica's POV

I sat there crying, sitting in complete darkness. Then I heard on knock on my window. I turn to see none other than JD. I stare at him, not moving. He had a face of pure sympathy. I slid off my bed and opened the window. "Hi." JD smiles. "Why are you here?" I was shocked by how gravelly my voice sounded. "I wanted to see if you were okay." He says. "Of course I'm not okay. You left me for Heather." I begin to shut the window but he grabs it. "Please." He begs. "What?" I let go. "Can you let me explain?" JD puts the window back in place. "Fine." I sit on my bed. "I was with her while you were in the coma. But that was because I was her ride to the hospital. We ate lunch together because she had nowhere else to sit. And we weren't always alone. Martha came a couple times but then she got busy, so it was just me and Heather." He explains.

"How do I know you're not just telling me what I want to hear?" I ask. "Because, I swear I'm telling the truth. I love you." He climbs through the window and kneels at my feet. "Please believe me." JD whispers. "I really want to." I cry. "I would never cheat on you." He reassures me. "So you don't like Heather and she doesn't like you, right?" I ask. "Well, I don't like her." He says. "W-wait so... she likes you?" I try to understand. "Yes, but when I found out I told her I was with you and she understood. And that was the day you had woken up." He tells me. "Oh God! I- I just ruined your life didn't I?" I panic. "What're you talking about?" He asks, confused. "Some people still believe I cheated on you. After that fight, everyone's going to believe you really were with Heather!" I rant. "Oh God, you must think I'm completely crazy! I mean, I feel-" I was cut off by JD slamming his lips into mine.

I wrap my arms around him, kissing him back. "I don't care about what people think of me." He whispers before kissing me more. I'm just gonna say, it wasn't the best make-out session we've ever had. But that's due to how gross it was, since I was still wet from crying. "Are you done being-" My mom bursts into the room. JD and I seperate, shocked that my mom came in like that. "Of course." She sighs. I look at JD, then back at my mom.

"You again." She coldly says to him. "Hi Mrs Sawyer." JD says. "Veronica I thought I told you how I felt about him." She says to me. "You did. And that's why I left." I say. "Well you won't be leaving again." She tells me, no emotion in her voice. "What does that mean?" I ask. "It means you're staying here." She says. "No! I am most certainly not!" I argue. "You are. And you are not to see him again." She motions to JD. "Make me." I cross my arms. "If I find out you've been seeing him, I will file a restraining order against him." She says. "Well you can't stop us at school." I point out. "I have associates at your school, they'll tell me if you're together." I never knew my mother could be so cold. "Now, I suggest you leave. Now." She orders JD.


I had no time to think. Veronica had said her mom was pretty brutal, but I didn't know she was completely heartless. I gave Veronica a look that said "I love you" and walked out. The minute I closed the car door, the tears came pouring. I couldn't stop it, they just kept coming. Everytime I get Veronica back, something pulls us apart. I close the front door behind me. I probably looked the color of a cherry. "Hey honey! You're home early." My mom walks in. "What happened?" She asks, seeing my bright red face. "Um... someone told Veronica I was cheating on her. So she got upset and went home. I went over there and I told her the truth. Then her mom walked in and banned me from seeing her." I say, my voice breaking more with every word. "Why would she do that?" She rubs my shoulder. "I don't know. Maybe she thinks I'd ruin the family's reputation." I say. "Here, sit down." My mom takes me to the couch. "What happens if you try to see her?" She asks. "She said she'll file a restraining order." I say through sniffles. "It's okay. I'll figure something out." She pulls me into a hug.

Veronica's POV

I sat on my bed, ignoring my parents calling me for dinner. I pick up my phone. I slowly enter Heather's number. I waited for it to ring. "Hello?" Heather answers. "Heather, it's Veronica." I say. "Veronica? Hey, I'm really sorry. JD wasn't cheating on you." She explains. "Heather, I know. He told me. We're back together." I tell her. "Oh good. So what do you need?" She asks. "My mom has banned us from seeing each other. Would you be willing to be a messenger for us?" I say. "Of course." She says. "One more thing." I say, making sure she doesn't hang up. "What?" I sigh, "I need you to get in a relationship with him."

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