Where Have You Been?

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Veronica's POV

I turned around in my chair to see my mother, arms crossed, looking like she was about to murder me. "Mom!" I stand up. "Where have you been?" She spits. "I hear you punched your boyfriend at school and then just left." She loses it. "Obviously I've been here, with my boyfriend." I say. "Where is poor Henry? I'd like to apologize for your horrible behavior." She walks past me. "I don't know. I haven't seen him since I punched him earlier." I tell her. "But you just said you've been here with him." She says, confused. "No, I said I was here with my boyfriend: JD." I correct her.

"Excuse me?" She walks up to me. "You heard me. I'm dating JD. He got knocked out by Henry so I took him to the hospital." I smile, glad to finally be standing up to her. "So you disobeyed me?" She asks, pulling something out of her purse. It was the restraining order paper work. She took out a pen as well. "You asked for this." She says as she starts to sign. Without hesitation, I grab it out of her hands. "What the-" She tried to take it back but I held it up. "I'm done letting you control me." With that, I rip the paper in half, then into smaller pieces and drop the pieces on the floor.

"You little-" She glares at me. "Shut up, Mom. I'm done letting you tell me who I should and shouldn't associate myself with. I love JD and he loves me. Who cares if he isn't rich like you. Love isn't about money and status. It's about being there for them and not caring about what you want, but what they need." I tell her. "Wow. You think you know so much. You're seventeen, you have no clue what love really is." She laughs. "And you do? You only married Dad because he was rich. You don't show any affection to him. You're only together because you don't want your precious reputation to be tarnished. That's the same reason you've been trying to keep me from JD. Because you think that's all that matters. Well grow up! In the real world, none of that matters!" I yell. My mother was in shock. "Bye Mom." I turn away as Jill approaches.

"Veronica. How is he?" She asks. "He's fine. He just woke up." I tell her. "Who is this?" My mother walks over to Jill. "I'm Jill Dean. I'm Jason's mom." She introduces herself. "Oh. So you raised Jason." She says in her usual bitchy tone. "Yes." Jill says. "Great." My mother gives me a smile. "See you at home." She says. "No I won't." I respond in the same voice she did.

"I'll show you his room." I tell Jill. We walk down the hall. "I can see why you don't get along with your mom." Jill speaks. "Yep. She made me break up with JD because you aren't rich like my parents. Today was when I finally stood up to her." I say. "Wow."

We make it to JD's room. He was sleeping. When we walked in, he started to wake up. "Hey honey." Jill smiles. "Hi." He sits up. "How're you feeling?" She asks. "Amazing." He laughs. "I'm gonna go talk to your doctor." Jill tells him before leaving.

"So I bet your mom is on her way to the court house." He sighs. "Nope." I smile. "What?" He tilts his head. "She came here and I ripped up the paperwork." I explain. "What?!" His eyes widen. "Yep. Then I completely told her off." I add. "That's incredible." He laughs. "It is." I give him a peck on the lips. "Hey, do you think your mom will mind if I move back in?" I ask. "Of course not. She's been waiting." He says before kissing me.

A knock at the door broke up the kiss. I turned to see Heather. "Hey. I see your awake." She smiles. "Thank God." I laugh. "You scared us, JD." She scolds. "Sorry. It won't happen again." He jokes.

JD sighs, "Veronica, can I talk to Heather alone?" I was confused but I nodded. "Sure." I quickly kiss him and walk out.


"I just wanted to thank you for the cover." I say. "You're welcome." She sits in a chair near the bed. "I'm happy I could help you two." She smiles. "But..." I push, knowing she had something more to say. "Hmm?" She asks. "I know you wanna say something else." I say.

She sighs, "I know what you're going to say, about you and Veronica. But every time we were together at school, I felt amazing. Then when you two were together, it hurt. I know I did it willingly, but I can't say I was happy." She explains. "Heather," I start. "I know. You love Veronica. I'm sorry if I make you feel like a bad person. It's just how I feel." She began to cry. "Heather, I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel like this. I can't help that I don't love you. I just can't." I say. "It's fine." She starts to walk out. "Heather wait." I try to stop her. "No. It's fine." She opens the door and leaves.

Veronica's POV

I watched Heather leave crying. I walk inside. "What happened in here?" I ask. "She got upset because I said I didn't love her." He says. "Really? She got upset over that?" I could feel my brows knit together. "Yeah." He sighs. "I didn't realize she liked you so much." I say. "Me either." He shrugs. I can't believe he made her cry just by telling her the truth. I took a deep breath. "I'll be right back." I say.

I leave and chase down Heather. "Heather!" I call. "What?" She wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry." I put my hand on her shoulder. "Being with the Heathers was miserable. I felt constantly attack. Then when you joined, I felt I actually had a true friend. Then I met JD. I know you loved him first and he loves you, but he's the first guy who didn't see me as an object." She says. "All I can say is, JD is one guy. Not everyone is going to look at you like the jocks do. JD is one of the good ones, there will be others." I tell her. "Thanks for coming after me." She smiles. "You're welcome." I nod. She lunges forward and hugs me. At first, it scares me, but then I hug her back.

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