Fight For You

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Veronica's POV

Today was the day we have dreaded all week: Court day. JD was pacing around the living room, waiting to be picked up. "JD, can you please calm down?" I put my hand on his shoulder. I had switched to crutches since my left leg had healed rather quickly. My right leg was still pretty bad, but I was glad to be out of that stupid wheelchair. "No, I'm really nervous." He runs his hand through his hair. "Babe, I am too. But you don't need to be stressed. You're going to be fine." I assure him. "Thanks." He kisses me. We're interrupted by a car horn. "Guess I have to go now." He kisses me again and goes out to the car.


When I'm called up to the stand, my anxiety was at max level. I get sworn in and I sit down. The prosecutor asks me to explain that day, I gladly tell him. "Thank you. Now Jason, who was there that day?" He asks me. "My mom and my girlfriend." I answer. He asks me a bunch of other stupid questions.

Veronica's POV

I was set to be the fifth witness, after JD, some of Mr Dean's family members, and Jill. She talked about what happened on Saturday. But she was mainly asked about what JD was like at home.


When my mom came onto the stand, she looked straight at me. "Now Mrs Dean. Can you tell me what happened Saturday afternoon?" The prosecutor asks. "We came home to grab some stuff since we were staying with Jason's girlfriend. Then Mike came home and wouldn't let us leave. When Jason yelled at him to move, Mike pushed him against the wall and kept hitting him. Jason pushed him to get away, but none of us realized how drunk Mike really was. So he stumbled back and hit his head." She explains. "Mhm. And how did your son react?" He acted like I was happy to have killed my dad. "He was in shock. He had a scared look on his face. His girlfriend had to calm him down." She says. "How is your son usually? Does he argue with his father a lot?" He asks. "He's a sweet boy. He's always very kind. And he didn't argue with his father. His father just gets drunk and takes his anger out on Jason and I." That was the first time she had ever openly talked about being hit by my dad. "Thank you, that's all." The prosecutor sits down.

"Defense, would you like to cross-examine?" The judge asks. "Yes, your honor." Robert stands and walks over to the stand. "Does your son often accept the abuse or does he fight back?" Robert asks. "He never has been able to fight back. The day of the incident was the first time he fought back." That sure makes me seem useful.

Eventually, Robert finished asking my mom questions. "Your honor, I call Veronica Sawyer to the stand." The prosecutor announces. Veronica is brought to the stand and sworn in. She sits down and looks at the prosecutor. "Now Miss Sawyer, what is your relationship to the defendant?" He asks. "I'm his girlfriend." She answers. "I noticed you're on crutches. Has your boyfriend ever hurt you physically or verbally?" He asks her. Seriously, who do they think I am? "Objection! Speculation!" Robert calls. "I'm building a theory." He tells the judge. "Overruled." The judge says. "No!" Veronica looked disgusted. "So you have never gotten in a fight?" He asks. "Yes, but it was settled quickly." She says. "Does he often get into fights at school?" Again, why do they think I'm a psychopath? "Not often. He's punched someone but only because they hurt me." She says. "That's all." The prosecutor calls, sitting down.

"Defense, do you want to cross-examine?" The judge asks again. "Yes, your honor." Robert looks at me with reassurance. "Miss Sawyer, you said he punched someone because they hurt you, does Jason often hurt people to protect you?" He asks. "No." She answers. "Have you noticed his father's abuse before the incident?" He asks. "Yes, last Tuesday his father came home and wanted to talk to him privately. I went outside and listened through the door. I heard arguing and shuffling so I rushed in to see his dad holding him against the wall by his neck." She explains. "So, Jason's mother said they were staying at your house, was that why?" Veronica sighs. "Yes." She finally looks at me. "That's all." Robert sits beside me.

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