If We Still Have The Right

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Veronica's POV

Jill didn't seem to be awake so we went through the front door. I lead JD through the house. He was a little more drunk than I was. We get to the stairs when Jill wakes up on the couch. "Hey." She smiles. "Hey Mom." JD says, trying to sound as sober as possible. Jill laid back down and said: "aspirin's in the medicine cabinet." JD was shocked. He goes into the kitchen.

"How was he?" Jill asks me. "Good." I say. "He have fun?" She sits up a little. I nod. "I'm glad." She smiles. JD comes back from the kitchen. "Night Mom." He says. "Night." She says.

We head upstairs and lay down. We fall asleep pretty fast.

March 27th, 1990

I woke up to my alarm to see that JD wasn't next to me. I got up and headed downstairs. He was sitting at the table, talking to Jill. When he sees me, he stops. "What're you two talking about?" I ask, sitting down. "Plans." She tells me. "You'll find out tomorrow." JD says, kissing my cheek. "Can't wait." I smile.

We head to school, the ride silent except for the music playing on the radio. As we pull up to school, he speaks. "So your birthday is tomorrow." I look at him. "Yeah. Eighteen." I sigh. He parks and turns the car off. "I think it's going to be weird. Being an adult. I don't even know what that would be like." I say. "Well... let us be seventeen." He says quietly. "If we still have the right." I mess with the hem of my dress. JD looks out the window. "Come on." He opens his door.

I grab my bag and follow him. Mac sees us and comes over. "Hey." She smiled. "Happy almost-birthday!" She says to me. "Thanks." I nod. We start to walk inside.

JD is bumped into very harshly from behind and when we look at who did it, we see Henry's back. I roll my eyes. Once Mac leaves for her class, I turn to JD. "I'll see you later." I tell him, before kissing him. I hear a scoff behind us. We turn around to find Henry with arms crossed, scowling at us. "What?" I say harshly. "I can't believe you two are still together." He says. "Shut up, Henry." I spit.

JD and I separate and go to homeroom. Chandler and Duke are talking quietly but stop when I enter. "Hi, V." Chandler smiles. I ignore her and sit down. "So what are your birthday plans? I'm sure your boy toy has something." Chandler asks. "That's none of your business." I say.

The bell rings and I leave. At lunch, I sit next to JD and Heather. "Hey." I kiss his cheek. Martha hurries to the table and sits down. "Hey Veronica. Hey JD. Hi Heather." She says, sliding something over to me. "What's this?" I look at the blank piece of paper. "Turn it over." She smiles. I do as she says and see an invitation. "'Veronica, you are invited to a private viewing of The Princess Bride. Ps: Happy Birthday!'" I look up at her. "I thought it would be fun to hang out tonight. Just you and me. Since you and JD will probably do something tomorrow." She said. "What do you say?" She asks. "Of course!" I smile. "That sounds fun." I add. She grins as she walks away.

I look at JD, who's smiling. "What?" I ask him. "Nothing. I'm just glad you're hanging out with other people. I don't want you to just hang out with Heather and I." He says. "Why are you so great?" I smile, kissing him. "I try my best." He caresses my cheek. "You-" Heather starts a sentence but is interrupted when JD and I get food dumped on us. We whip around to see Henry sneering at us. I stand up and slap him across the face. I grab JD's arm and pull him out of the cafeteria. Heather follows us, trying to keep up. I let go of JD and go into the bathroom to clean up.


Heather and I look at each other. I'm covered in why I can only assume is mashed potatoes and corn, but I'm more worried about Veronica. "Go in there." I tell Heather. Heather nods and cautiously enters the bathroom. I lean against the wall.

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