The Demon Queen of High School

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Veronica's POV

Hospitals are the most depressing and boring places on earth. It's horrible. Also, I'm having awful stomach pains. I have to stay here all alone until JD gets back from school. JD would probably miss school if he could, but I want him to go to school. That way he can go to college and get him and his mom a better life.

"Hello Veronica." I shoot my head to look at the door to see Heather Chandler. "Heather? Why are you here?" I sit up. "Why do you think? Your boyfriend said you were here, but I just had to see it for myself." She says. Then she walks around to the other side of the room, watching me carefully. "Wow. You really are a sight for sore eyes." She laughs. "Did you seriously come here to just look at me?"

"No." She gets right up in my face. "You're going to do what I say." She tells me. "Am I?" I said it with absolute fear in my voice. "You are going to break up with your little boyfriend and you're going to come back to the Heathers." She orders. "No." I shake my head. "Yes. You will. Or Kurt and Ram will do worse to Jason then they did to you." She threatens. "You wouldn't." I cry. "I would. Who do you think told them to do that to you?" She grabs my wrist. "Get out." I demand. "No. I'm not done yet." She tightens her grip. "If you hurt him, I will end you." I spit. "Honey, you don't get to threaten me. You have two choices: break up with him and come back to us, or attend his funeral." She lets go of my wrist. "Call to tell me your choice." She walks out of the room.

Now I was alone again. I had three more hours until JD would be done with school. Three more hours to decide what fate I want for JD. Should I break his heart? Even if he doesn't derserve that, I'd rather have him be alive and hate me than dead and love me.

"Hey," JD stood at the door. "Hey," I keep my head down. As much as I hated it, I had to do what Heather said. "School was super annoying. Everyone thinks you cheated on me." He laughs, sitting in the chair next to my bed. I continue to avoid eye-contact with him.

"Ronnie, are you okay?" He reaches for my hand but I pull it away. "Ronnie, what happened?" He asks. "I'm sorry." A tear rolls down my cheek. "For what?" He looks at my shaking hands. "I don't think I can... do this anymore." I say slowly. "Do what?" I could tell he knew the answer. "Us." I get out. "What? Why?" He stays where he is, but he clearly wanted to get closer. "You don't deserve me. You're amazing. I'm... broken." I explain. Even though I didn't want to break up with him, what I was saying was true. "Veronica, you're not broken. And even if you were, I'd love you anyways. Where is this coming from?" He attempts to hold my hand again, but I still pull away. I grab my bag and pull out my credit card. "Here. Use this for a hotel. At least until I can get you guys out of your situation." I hold it out to him. "No. I won't spend your money. I'll go back to that house if I have to." He pushes it back to me. "JD. Please." I beg. "No. Veronica, tell me what's wrong." He demands.


She starts sobbing. "Ronnie," I reach out and hug her. "Please tell me why you wanted to break up with me." I run my fingers through her hair. "H-heather... came here." She starts. "What?" I let go to look at her. "She um... said that if I didn't break up with you and become a Heather again, she'd have Kurt and Ram hurt you." Her hands were shaking furiously. I grab them to try and stop it. "Ronnie, we need to stop this. This is not okay." I tell her. "What can we do?" She shakes. "When you're released, we're going to the police." I explain. "What will that do?" Her hands shook through my grip. "End her torment." She nods.

"W-where's your mom?" She wipes her eyes. "She figured she'd give us some alone time." I adjust myself so that I'm behind her. Then I wrap my arms around her and lean her against me. "Of course she did." She laughs. "I love your laugh." I hug her tighter. "Well, I love you." She turns her head and kisses me. I loosen my arms and spin her around to kiss her easily.

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