Maybe Prom Night (Part 1)

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April 29th, 1990

Veronica's POV

Heather and I are walking through town, and pass a dress shop. "Has JD asked you to Prom yet?" Heather asks. "Not yet. But he probably doesn't think he needs to. It's obvious we're going together." I tell her. "True." She shrugs. "What about you?" I ask. "Nothing yet." She sighs. "But it'll happen." She adds. "Heather, Prom is in six days." I say. "I know. But I have to stay hopeful." She forces a smile. "Why don't you ask someone?" I suggest. "I don't know if they'll say yes." She says. "If they're smart they will." I smirk. She laughs.

When I get back, JD is on the couch, clearly waiting. "Thank God you're here. My mom said she needs us to meet her." He stands and drags me back to the car. He brings me out to Butcher's Bridge. "Why is your mom at Butcher's Bridge?" I ask. He shushes me. He takes me down the path, covering my eyes. "JD what are you doing?" I ask, realizing his mom wasn't here. He stops and tells me to cover my eyes. I do as he says and can hear him move around. "Okay, open them." He says. I open my eyes and there are lights coming down from the bridge. I smile. "What is this?" I walk up to him. "Maybe prom night, we go together." He shrugs. "Babe, you know you didn't have to ask, right?" I take his hand. "I know, but I know everyone expected me to 'do it right.'" He says.

When we get home, I flop down on the couch. He sits next to me. "I can't wait for prom with you." He smiles. "Same." I touch his nose with my finger. "Maybe prom night, maybe dancing, will make everything going on less difficult." I sigh. "I hope, for your sake." He kisses my cheek.

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