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"I wanna be ten feet tall, I wanna eat fire and snow, I wanna scare everyone."
Keith's mind, on the other hand wasn't thinking too much into the little flirting moment.

Girls at school constantly flirt with the smart kid at school, only because he isn't what a typical 'smart kid' looked like.

He is beauty and brains in one, total package.

And a total A+ on the test if you can convince him to tutor you.

Seeing as he also looked quite punk, girls loved it yet hated it because it made him look intimidating. Making it hard for them to ask for anything more.

Keith was never one to fall for these tricks, he's learned his lesson already.

Now the only people he tutors is Hunk (he pays him in cookies) and Shiro (he has a couple classes with the senior, and he lives with the dude so he is constantly asked to help, anyways).

Now back to the topic at hand, Keith is used to the slight blush and confidence gained from a flirt, but he isn't one to think of it for longer than a couple seconds.

This time, he thought of it for the rest of lunch, but after he pushed it away. And that isn't important, what's important is that he totally didn't think of the boy sitting across from him as a total cutie.

Keith shook his head from the thought, annoyed that he even zoned out in the middle of class.

He needed to get As for a good college and an even better job. He can't let himself get hung up in some idiotic boy drama. He already had enough of that freshman year.

You see, Keith is pretty proud of how far he's come academically, in seventh grade his grades were barely average, now his grades are all As, any Bs were unacceptable.

He already had a college in mind, along with a well paying job.

He needs to become a great lawyer and help out.

Keith's thoughts were interrupted by a paper landing on his desk, he shakes his head, wishing he didn't start thinking of that. He really needed to pay attention.


After class Keith was done with school for the day, stoping at the stairs of the school, he sighs.

It's raining. He didn't bring an umbrella, nor was he wearing anything with a hood. He was really screwed. He pulls out his phone, only for the battery to be out, he really shouldn't have listened to music during free time in math, or he could of plugged in his phone last night.

The teen shoves his phone in his back pocket, sitting against the wall, away from the rain. He's decided to just wait, Shiro would be gone most of the evening anyways. (He went directly to Allura's house after school)

Just when he zones back into reality, the rain starts to pour down even more.

He sighs, what will I do now? He wonders, as he pulls out his book. Might as well read.

Suddenly the rain a few inches ahead of him stopped, the splashes of water stoping their attack on his boots. Looking up he feels relief, the boy from lunch stands in front of him with a navy blue umbrella, smirking down at the other boy before speaking.

"Looking For Alaska? I've never heard of that one."

Keith shrugs, "It might not be as popular as The Faults In Our Stars, but it's for sure better than that one."

Lance smiles for a bit before speaking again, "Want to walk home with me?"

Keith smiles, "Sure."

Lance reaches out for the boy's hand, pulling him up from his sitting position.

They walk out of school grounds before speaking, "Sorry about my comment at lunch, I bet you feel really uncomfortable about it."

Keith was taken aback by this, the flirt is apologizing?

"It's all good, nothing I haven't heard already."

Keith smiles reassuringly at the blue eyed boy.

"If you say so, so did you not check the weather today? Or did you just never look up at the sky this morning?"

"I was in a rush this morning."

Lance nods, understanding, "Well, it's supposed to rain for a couple days, so unless you want to walk with me those days, I suggest bringing an umbrella."

Keith blushes, why am I blushing?

"Oh, thanks. I'll try my best to bring an umbrella then." Keith says jokingly.

"If that's how you feel then I'll just-" he moves the umbrella from above Keith's head, soaking his hair and shoulders immediately.

"Hey! Move it back!" Keith quickly gets close to the Cuban's side to hide under the umbrella.

He's really warm... Keith didn't realize how long he was leaning on Lance before said boy spoke, "Fine! I'll move it back, personal space bro!"

Keith started to blush before moving back to his spot, umbrella following.

"Sorry, I just don't want to get sick and miss school."

Lance then frowned, "I'm sorry, I didn't think of that."

Keith shook his head a bit, "Nah, it's fine, I just easily get sick."

Lance nodded, but his frown seemed to still be there, shaming himself for not thinking.

"Hey, it's all good, I shouldn't have been that dramatic." What the fuck dude?? You know how terrible it would be for you to miss a day, you'd have to teach yourself the lesson and talk to teachers about what you missed! And your attendance would be ruined!! Boom! There goes your dream college! Your future job!

"Keith? Buddy? You okay?" Lance had softly stopped Keith's walking by holding onto his shoulder, "you zoned out a bit."

Keith blinked a few times before speaking, "Yeah sorry, that happens sometimes."

Lance flashed a look of concern before nodding, "This is my stop, but if you want to stay and wait out the rain then you can."

"I would like to take you up on that offer." Keith smiled a bit.

Maybe this Lance dude wasn't just a complete flirt.

A/N: heyo! Remember to comment and vote! I'm trying to create a posting schedule so that's why updates are weird! -Haley

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