~6~ part one

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"Climb over the circus walls, finally feel at home
Cotton candy floss, haunted houses, ghost."

~week skip~

Sighing, Lance covers his face in his crossed arms, accidentally hitting his forehead on the wooden desk in front of him.

"Lance, if you're gonna be a whinny baby then go home. I'm trying to study." Keith looked to the Cuban with an unamused expression after finishing his fifth flash card.

Sitting up while rubbing his red forehead, Lance groans, "But I'm boooored! There isn't anything to do! You're denying any form of communication while you scribble big words on a small piece of paper, Pidge left after my second sigh, Hunk is too busy flirting with the librarian's student helper and Shiro is off doing god knows what, so I'm just left here fending for myself while watching you work!"

Looking down at his red rectangle of notes, he rolls his eyes before neatly putting it on top of his pile of finished cards and wrapping a rubber band around them, putting them in the front pocket of his black backpack,"Come on, let's go get ice cream."

Lance jumps of his chair, forehead slowly turning back to its natural tan color as he noisily shoves his binder into his bag, causing the librarian's helped Shay to turn from her conversation with Hunk to quietly shush him.

Keith turns red and mouths a shy "sorry" to her before she turns back to Hunk.

The violet eyed boy stands up and throws his backpack on, purposefully hitting Lance's arm, causing the Cuban to dramatically gasp while Keith covers his mouth before he can say anything.

"Shut up!" Keith harshly whispers before uncovering the offended boy's mouth.

"I wasn't even gonna say anything." Huffing, Lance turns around with his nose in the air, walking across the library and out the wooden double doors

Keith followed a few feet behind the pouty Cuban, wishing he could of just ignored him while he finished his study session.

But no, Lance somehow always got his way when around the raven-haired boy.

Rolling his eyes around the world and back, the smaller boy (AN: Keith is shorter in this AU sorry about it) picks up the pace and catches up to the taller male.

"Slow down, I'm not as tall as you are."

Lance ignored him, but you could see the faintest of a smirk on his lips.

"Come on! I'm the one who is deciding to fail my Bio test because of your complaining!"

Still no response.

"Fine. I'll just drive myself to get ice cream while you stay here and help Pidge with her Computer Apps homework."

As Keith turned the corner that lead to his car, the car that he used to drive Lance to school today, the lanky boy started to make his statement.

"Hey hey hey! Let's not get too ahead of ourselves here!" Using his longer legs, Lance caught up to Keith and wrapped his long arm around his broad shoulders, "You would be so lonely without your pal Lancey Lance!"

"Actually, now that I think about it, I am lactose intolerant, so I guess I should just get some frozen yogurt and go to my apartment to study." He place a finger on his chin while pretending to be thinking about it, completely ignoring the words coming from the other boy's mouth, Lance sighs loudly, getting in front of Keith while wrapping his arms over the other's shoulders, he stops them both.

This caught Keith's attention, "What are you doing?"

Putting on his most suave faces, he continues to argue his side, "But a pretty boy like you shouldn't be alone when eating frozen yogurt, especially when said pretty boy is wearing tight jeans like you are."

It's just an act, it's just an act. With that in mind, Keith still wasn't able to handle the blush that painted his cheeks like water color. He ducks away from Lance's hold and started to walk again, trying to settle down his burning cheeks.

"Awwww, is Keithy blushing?~" Lance teases has he easily catches up with him.

"No, it's just hot."

"Obviously, because I'm here." Keith punches Lance's arm before he could dodge it, "Wow Keith, I didn't know you had a pain kink.~"

Keith was long gone now, his cheeks turned red as he finally makes it to his truck, unlocking it and jumping in, he jokingly locks Lance out, earning a groan from the other.

"Come on! I was kidding! Let me in!!" Lance's muffled voice could be heard over the music that Keith turned up.


"Fine! I'm sorry for flirting with you!"

Satisfied, he unlocks the car and they make their way to get frozen yogurt.


Lance gags when he sees cheesecake flavored yogurt, "Why do you have to be lactose intolerant? It would make my life a hell of a lot easier!"

Keith goes up to the pineapple flavored yogurt, getting a good amount before turning to the still pouty teen, "You know, I might just strand you here so that all you have to live off of is cheesecake flavored frozen yogurt."

Lance just smirks before replying, "You would never, you'd miss me too much."

Nodding his head, Keith agreed.

Feeling victorious, Lance gets some Oreo flavored yogurt and they go to pay.

After a short argument about who pays, Keith wins and Lance gets even more pouty.

"If I knew you'd react this way then I would of just let you pay."

They sit down at a booth facing the parking lot and start to eat their yogurt.

"I'll make it up to you, I hate when people spend money on me."

Rolling his eyes, the pale boy sticks a spoonful of the sweet goodness into his mouth, savoring every last taste before responding, "There really is no need to do that, but if you insist."

"I do." Eating some more Oreo flavored yogurt, his eyes brighten and he almost chokes before talking, "You should come sleep over! I can buy pizza and dairy free ice cream and we can play Just Dance!"

The Korean smiles fondly at the child like joy Lance's face gave away before quickly thinking of his schedule for the next week. He had some tests throughout the week, so Monday through Friday was a no no.

But on the other hand, Keith hasn't gone to Lance's house ever since the Mario Kart session, so with hesitation he agreed, then nodded with a small smile lighting up his face, momentarily ignoring the growing anxiety in the back of his head.

I wonder how bright his face would get if he were to grin... Lance shook his head, now was not the time, "Great! So Friday?"

"That's perfect." and it was, because they didn't have a test that day, so Keith can get some sleep the night before.


Okay, but seriously, I'm so sorry that my updates are slow, I've been really self conscious about my writing recently so when I do get around to writing it always seems crappy to me :-/ but to make it up to you guys I'm gonna make a part two for this chapter either tonight or tomorrow morning!

///also/// so you guys don't get confused, I base chapters off of line me from the song and so what I feel the lyric means to the singer is what I'm gonna try to play through with the chapter. So part two isn't gonna have a line at the beginning because it's just a continuation of this line.

I hope that made sense :-|


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