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"I wanna feed the ducks, I wanna eat some stones, sink down to the bed, finally feel at home."

Lance gets antsy as he finishes rolling up his pants legs, quickly kicking off his sandals, and looking to see if Keith was ready.

Keith was slightly amused by the excitement that seemed to overcome the other boy as he jumps from one foot to the other, "Ready?"

Lance nods quickly before counting down, "One! Two! Three!" He yells out in joy as he runs into the soft waves, splashing water onto Keith as the other boy slows down to take in the view.

The way Lance gets excited over the smallest of things was what Keith loved most about him, he's usually so carefree, and when he isn't it's okay because Keith knows how to settle him down.

Sometimes the smaller boy thinks of them as each other's crutches, though Keith is usually Lance's crutch, it still applies because Keith has his moments too, he's only human after all.

"Keith! Look, I found a sand dollar! It's not even cracked!!" Adorable.

"Wow! How can you even see?!" He was genuinely curious, because the water was a bit foggy from the kicked up sand and it was pretty dark.

"Someone flashed a light down here for a second so I saw it and grabbed it before the light moved away!" Lance seemed not to mind how concerning that sentence was, seeing as he was looking at the sand dollar with soft eyes.

"A light?" As Keith turned around to look back at the shore line, a light flashes in his face, "Shit! Lance run!"

Once Keith saw the red lifeguard uniform he knew they could get into big trouble for being out in the ocean after dark.

After shoving the perfect sand dollar into his pocket, Lance ran after Keith, they reach the shore a ways away from the guard then grabbed their shoes and phones, not caring for the sticks and marshmallows they left next to the ashes of their once lit fire.

Turning around to look, the blue eyed boy finally noticed who they were running from, "Is that a lifeguard?! I didn't know they checked the waters this late!"

"Me neither!" Once they approached the car, the two quickly jumped in and Keith started the engine, while driving away he finally got a chance to catch his breathe, "That was close! We could of got ticketed!"

Once he was stopped at a stop light he looked over at the boy besides him, said boy had a shit eating grin across his lips, "That was awesome! A total adrenaline rush!" As he reaches into his pocket his grin somehow grows, he pulls out the sand dollar and looks at it with a sparkle in his eyes, "It's okay! Good as new!"

Keith couldn't help but allow a small smile to form on his lips, "That's good. What exactly are you gonna do with that?" The light turned green, so he had to face the road as he drove.

The Cuban seemed to be thinking for a couple of seconds before going back to a grin, "I'll make it into a necklace, my sister and I used to do it all the time as kids." A fond look took over his expression for a second before placing the sand dollar into one of the middle cup holders.

"That's nice, what else do you want to do? We could go back to my place?"

With a nod from Lance, they set course to Keith and Shiro's apartment.

"Hey Shiro, Lance is here!" Keith announced their arrival as they both kicked off their shoes.

The living room wasn't grand but it did have an organized character to it, the whole house had wooden flooring, there was a small book shelf lined with novels, some fantasy and some realistic. They had a TV and a TV stand, both were black. A glass coffee table was on top of a grey rug in front of a brown leather sofa, a couple scratch marks showing on the top of it. Two white and black stripped pillows decorated it as one grey pillow sat behind each one.

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