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"I wanna be ten feet tall, I wanna grow big red horns, fingers covered in thorns that pierce everything."


After gulping down lots of water for his dry mouth and having to wash the smell out of his clothes, Lance was ready to just sleep, "Never let me smoke again. It was fun in my moment but this aftermath sucks."

Keith snorts, "Sure thing, Lance."

They had been laying on the ground for the last thirty minutes, just talking about anything that came to mind.

"So, I have no clue about what I did, all I know is that I talked about mouths a lot." Lance moves his arms to support his head, "Can you give me the lay down?"

Keith was hoping this wouldn't have came up, "Uhhhh, are you sure?"

Lance rolls onto his stomach, looking to Keith, "Was I that bad?" the other boy nods, "Oh my fucking god, what did I do?"

Keith laughs, blushing a bit, "You ranted about random shit with Matt, then he fell asleep after you brought up the fact that your lips and tongue felt soft." Keith laughs softly, "Then you wanted to feel if my lips and tongue were as soft as your's-"

"Oh my god, did I kiss you while high?!" His eyes were wide, worry laced in them.

"No, you actually just smudged up my face paint a lot, then before you kissed me some boy yelled and it scared you." His face was beet red, "Then you made me promise that I'd let you find out if my tongue is as soft as your's..."

Lance was shocked, this isn't exactly how he wanted this to go down.

It was silent for a few seconds before Lance snorts, "Wow, I should never smoke again."

Keith nods in agreement before Lance lays back onto his back.

Keith whispers, "I mean, a promise is a promise...."

Now it was Lance's face that was beet red, "O-Oh!"

Keith waved his hands up, "Unless you don't want to, of course!"

Lance is silent for a few ticks before sitting up, turning to Keith while sitting crisscross, "Let's find out."

Keith's breathe catches in his throat, he sits up and turns to Lance, "W-What?" He situations himself to mirror Lance.

Lance places his hands on Keith's knees, gripping them a bit out of nervousness, "L-Let's find o-out."

Keith curiously looks into Lance's eyes, looking for any sign of lying, "You're okay with this?"

Lance nods confidently,"As long as you are."

Keith leans forward a bit, hesitating, "I-If we do this, what will it make us?"

Lance leans forward too, only an inch away from kissing, "We'll find out once we cross that bridge."

He closes the gap, kissing Keith softly, the other boy kissing back, not fully knowing if he's doing it right.

Lance's grip on Keith's knees tighten when Keith tilts his head.

When they release they aren't sure what to think.

Keith was shocked, unable to fully process it.

Lance was happy but also anxious, hoping he didn't just fuck up their whole relationship.

A few seconds pass before Keith talks, "Wow..."

Lance nods, "Wow..."

Keith leans forward this time, cupping Lance's cheeks and kissing him, this time more sure of his movements.

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