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"Five star banquet, twenty course."


After talking to Adam, Lance felt more confident, so he went back to school.

His teacher gave him a lecture about how he should be better at time management and then sent him to his seat.


Keith was scratching his arm throughout seventh period, which Pidge slapped his hand for multiple times, "What's wrong?"

Keith stops scratching and looks at Pidge, "What?"

"What's wrong?" Pidge turns to him, her voice in a hushed tone since they don't wanna attract attention.

Keith shrugs, "I failed my math test because I was so distracted. It's just stressing me out is all, I already know that I can get an A this time around though, but I'm still kinda hung up on you-know-who."

Pidge rolls her eyes, "You can say his name."

Keith flinches a bit and Pidge frowns, "I don't want to."

"You're gonna have to sooner or later." She crosses her arms, leaning against the wall behind her.

He nods, "I know..." he sighs.


When the bell rings, Lance almost jumps out of his seat, he just wanted to get this math test over with and go home.

What he didn't expect was to see him at a test retake session.

He sits down in the seat behind Keith, "Ummmmmm, hi?" he coughs in his fist, feeling awkward.

Keith's head that was in his arms shot up, trying to find where the voice came from.

"Behind you." Keith turns in his seat and his eyes go wide.

"Uhhhh, hi?" Keith looks puzzled, "Why are you here?"

Lance felt like slamming his head into his desk, "I wasn't here the day of the test, so I'm taking it. I should be asking you the same thing, why are you here?"

Keith digs his nails into his thumb, "I failed it, got a D."

Lance's eyes were as wide as an owl's, "What?!" Keith flinches and Lance closes his eyes, breathing in before continuing, "What do you mean, you got a D?"

Keith nods, "I was distracted..."

Lance bows his head, "Oh... I'm sorry." he crosses his arms, leaning back in his seat.

Their teacher stands up, a small pack of papers in her arms, "Okay, everyone be quiet now, I'm passing out the tests." she walks around to all 15 students, handing out papers before sitting back down.


The test was as boring as you would assume, no talking and no music, just silence with the occasional paper flip.

After, Lance almost races out of the room, almost. He still needed to talk with Keith.

"How do you think you did?" He questions, holding onto his backpack straps tighter.

"Good, I was able to concentrate more this time around." He glances at Lance before looking back ahead of them.

Lance nods and it's quiet for a bit, "Hey, Keith?"

He hums as a reply.

"Can we, you know, talk?" Lance's grip on his backpack straps was so tight, he was surprised that his hands didn't cramp up.

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