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"I feel it in my guts, I tear them piece by piece, but I don't care enough for centre 33."


Lance told his mom about the... problems he was having, so she allowed him to take a day long break, of course May wasn't too happy about still needing to go to school, but she sucked it up once seeing her brother's eye bags and blank face.

Keith texted Lance once, just to say that he is still there to talk. Lance's friends also texted him, asking where he was, that they miss him, or that they're always gonna be there if he ever needs a hug.

Lance decided to turn off his phone, to disconnect and lay in his bed, feeling numb and conflicted.

He knew that today was the test, he knew that he needs to apologize, and he knew that he needed to eat something, but his body decided against moving.

His only thoughts were reoccurring voices from yesterday, some were his dad's, some were Keith's. He tried thinking of all the good things in his life, which gave him enough energy to get a glass of water. But he wasn't even physically able to make a bowl of cereal.

He just felt numb.

The word numb was all he could think of when trying to describe how he felt. His mom didn't try to call the landline, because she knew he wouldn't answer anyway, but it still broke her, knowing that Lance was so broken while she was busy at work.

Lance knew this, and it made him feel worse.

disappointment, annoying, broken, dumb.

Those reoccurring words zoomed through his head every thirty minutes.


Keith wasn't able to focus, his teachers didn't even call on him today, seeing that he was constantly writing notes or looking down.

Pidge apologized for asking Keith to talk to Lance, in which Keith just said "It's fine, I got the answer, right?"

Pidge even knew he was just trying to convince himself that he didn't completely fuck up.

Hunk tried to make the mood brighter, but everyone at their lunch table chewed on their sandwiches silently while Keith would have a heart attack every time his phone buzzed.

Shiro tried to create small talk with Keith, he heard the crying last night, he heard Keith yell while he threw a book across the room. But Keith wouldn't budge, he didn't want to be social today and he was making it painfully obvious.

Pidge stayed silent during lunch, she would look at Keith's phone every time it buzzed too, curiosity overtaking her. She would try to smile small at Hunk's puns, but she never laughed at them.

At the end of lunch they all parted ways, Keith and Pidge heading to their last class as Hunk and Shiro head the other direction go their other classes.

"Hey, I know you don't really wanna hear this right now, but you did the best you could, Lance is just hurting. Don't stress too much over it." Pidge places her hand on his shoulder, smiling small at him.

Keith huffed, "You're right, I don't want to hear it." Then he used his longer legs to walk quicker to their class.

Lance finally turned on his phone, a few phone calls from Pidge and Keith, Hunk sent him love memes, and Shiro gave him advice on how to settle down.

Lance replied to Hunk with a red heart, which was read immediately but never responded to.

He responded to Shiro with a quick "thanks".

He decided to look at Pidge's messages before responding to Keith, knowing that he'd make a big deal out of it. His response to Pidge was "I'll be fine", which was seen immediately, and responded with a green heart.

He had two voicemails from Keith and two texts, so he decided to respond to the texts before the voicemails, "Hey, I'm sorry for how I acted last night, I know I was wrong for doing that." he quickly hit send and left the chat before Keith could respond.

Now for the voicemails, one was at 12AM, while the other was at 2AM.

Why was Keith up so late?

Pressing play, Keith's sniffles and shaky voice fills the room, "L-Lance I'm so sorry for p-pushing you, I was just trying to h-help. Pl-please don't be mad at m-me." Lance's heart felt like it was crushed. He did that to Keith, he made Keith cry.

I don't deserve an apology! Keith does!

Taking a deep breathe, Lance plays the next voicemail, "La-Lance, I'm so sorry! Pl-please don't leave!" His voice became nearly a whisper, "I think I br-broke the Wii remote." He lets a broke laugh escape his lips, "Sorry, I gu-guess we have to take turns playing M-Mario Kart." The breathing on the other end becomes long and deep, a soft snore can be heard.

He fell asleep sad. I did that. He was probably so tired today!

His chest feels like a weight is being slowly pressed into him, his breathes begin to be shaky as he starts to cry.

"I'm an i-idiot!" Throwing his phone onto the bed, he punches the nearest wall again and again till his knuckles hurt and small spots of blood could be seen on his tan wall, "Sh-shit!"

He lays down and cries more, this time he just covers his face and allows tears to fall.


Waking up to the sound of his ringtone, Lance quickly grabs it to see if it was who he wanted it to be.

And it was, "H-hey! Keith! I'm so so-sorry!"

Keith's sniffles can be heard on the other end, "I-I know. I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have pushed!"

Lance starts to smile, joy fills him, "Friends?"


Suddenly, the other line starts to become loud static, the only think Lance could hear was all the words that made him lose his breathe.

Annoying, dumb, idiot, disappointment.

Tears start to roll down Lance's wide eyes, "N-No! Keith! Keith!"

Lance wakes up, his knuckles throbbing and eyes leaking salty tears, "Keith..."


Keith fell asleep really easily that night, last night really made him tired throughout the day, so he went to bed early.

He tried to text Lance back, but of course he never got a reply back.

Throughout Keith's dream, he would always fall for the same trick. A blurry-faced man leading him into a dark forest. He never knew why he was drawn to the man, or why he continued to follow.

Every time, he would see his past, it jumped out at him, as if it were a horror attraction. Every time, he would scream, but before he could run, he was calmly following the blurry man.

When the man's face was revealed, Keith's alarm blared.

AN: hello, I suck :-/ please tell me if you're enjoying the story so far! Don't hesitate to give me constructive criticism!!!

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