
495 26 9

"I got no friends, I feel so ill, I'm so dang tall and growing still."

TW: mentions of drugs and alcohol!

School was.... awkward.

Yeah, everyone welcomed Lance back, but Hunk and Pidge would act like they were walking on eggshells for Lance, which didn't sit well with him. If anything it made him quite annoyed and even more sad.

Keith, of course, noticed Lance's change in spirit, so he tried to privately talk to both of them. Pidge apologized and tried her best to act normal, Hunk apologized but was even more quiet.

Lance was over it.

He called up Allura, who never hung out with them because she had her popular group to keep up with, "Hello?"

"Hey Allura, any parties coming up?" Lance asks, pulling at a stray string on his hoodie.

"Yeah, I'm actually throwing one for Halloween. Why do you ask?" She sounded curious, the group never liked parties, they preferred dressing up and being dorks over getting high and/or drunk.

Lance sighs, "No reason, I'm just thinking of going and letting off some steam."

Allura nods, but remembers that Lance couldn't see her, "Okay, well, it's open for you and the rest of the group. It's starts at 9, be there or be square!"

Lance smiles a bit, "Well okay then, see ya Allura." He hangs up and goes to his group chat.

Hey dweebs I'm going to Allura's Halloween party, who's in?

Wait, why?

I'm just in the mood to party,,, why? Is that a crime?

Sorry, I don't do crowds.

Yeah, same, sorry buddy :-/

I'm hanging out with Adam on Halloween, sorry

I'll go, I don't have anything to do anyways :-)

Cool! It starts at 9, want me to Uber to your house and then we can go to the party?

Nah, I'll just pick you up

Stop texting in the chat you dweebs :-p


You're a hoe

Why thank you for calling me a gardening tool

Shut it

I'm trying to study

Fine -.-


Lance turns off his phone and continues to lay in his bed, thinking over this week again, a sigh escapes his lips.

Alone, with Keith, at a party...
Sounds like a blast.

Lance groans, not knowing how to deal with the situation.

Don't get him wrong, he's really exited to go partying it up with Keith, but he also doesn't wanna end up saying something he doesn't mean because of booze.

Watch my dumbass confess to him while drunk, he thinks sourly.

~~~ time skip to Halloween because my dumbass can't think of interesting shit~~~

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