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i walked out of the maths classroom and went to my locker. since i was new, my locker looks the most plain out of the rest of the student's. their's were decorated and painted in any way possible. it was pretty seeing all these colours along the hallway. sejeong did tell me to decorate my locker soon. i guess the dull-ness stood out too much.

i got out my english literature book, the time traveller's wife. it was a really interesting book. about a time traveller who couldnt control when he would time travel, away from his wife, who was his first love. his wife on the other hand would wait for the days where he would stay with her and treasure those moments. of course until he time travels again that is, she loses him again.

i walked to my english literature class which was down the hallway from my locker. as i was walking, i met with sejeong who was struggling with her many clipboards she was carrying. you know being the class rep and all. "hey im pretty sure you're about to die. lemme help" i took some of the clipboards from her hand and she gave me her iconic smile. 

as we were talking, we passed by minho. however, this time he wasnt alone. he was with four other boys. they were incredibly good-looking, the same went for minho. 

"hey minho has friends?" i jokingly nudged sejeong's arm. "surprisingly yes. the one with bleached blonde hair is felix. he moved from australia sometime last year. the one beside him is hyunjin. girls go crazy for his astoundingly good facial features. the one with the slight dimple is chris. everyone calls him chan though. he too was from australia but he moved to korea some time back. the small cute one is jeongin. he is the youngest amongst them."

i gave sejeong the wow interesting look. however, i caught a glimpse of minho. he was smiling. it was as if time stopped for a second. it was my first time seeing him smile and wOW he looks incredibly cute. his cheekbones were raised when he smiled and his eyes formed a cresent shape. his smile was so sickeningly adorable that i didnt realise sejeong calling my name.

"moonbyul? moonbyul! hello are you still with me? we're gonna be late for lit if you keep staring at minho" she smirked at me catching me off-guard. "i was totally NOT staring at minho" i gave her the annoyed look and brushed my hair behind my ear. "oh honey. sure you weren't" sejeong raised an eyebrow which earned her a smack on the arm. i rolled my eyes at how annoying she was being but i couldnt deny it though. minho looked extremely stunning when he was smiling. 

i wanted to see more of his smile. i wanted to see him laugh. but he always had that stone cold face on. he looked sad.

he was sad.

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