Chapter 1

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Steph's POV

"AHH!! Maya it fucking hurt so bad!" I yelled in pain holding my left arm.

"Well it's gonna hurt since your dumbass hit it with the fucking car door!" Maya yelled pissed off. See Maya is one of those friend who instead of comforting you, she yells and makes you feel stupid but hey I love her.

"Okay Ms. Bell your arm is broken we're gong to be back to cast that up for you but first let's numb it up" he walked over to me with a huge needle.

"Now this will hurt a little" he pushed the needle in my arm slowly, it didn't hurt, it actually made me relax. It always did needles never hurt me only chill me out, i guess I'm too strong for them.

"Okay I'll be back in a few minutes" he started walking towards the door but then stopped. "What color cast would you like?"

"NINJA TURTLES!!!" I yelled like a little kid.

"Sorry I don't think we have that, anything else?"

"Red" he nodded and walked alway.

"Your so stupid steph and wow I still can't believe Demi did that. I'm so so sorry but hey there's a lot of girls out there for you" I smiled at Maya's comment but here's the thing I don't care about the Demi thing. Yes I'm heart broken but it's whatever. I'm use to feeling pain anyway...

Dallas's POV

*Present Day*

"Morning baby" I heard her say as I turned over to face her.

"Morning" I leaded in giving her a sweet soft kiss.

"Last night was amazing" her bright ocean-blue eyes looking deeply into mine.

"It was. I love you steph" I lead in giving her another kiss. She pulled my body on top of hers making me giggle.

"I love you to dall" she said in between kisses. I traced my fingertips over her chest enjoying to view of her perfect chest. I felt her hands on my bottom pushing me into her then her soft lips on my weak spot moving up to my jaw until the reached my lips again. Our lips crashed together. I sucked on her bottom lips slightly. I took the chance of her mouth being opened and sucked on her tongue making her moan my name.

"Mmmmm Dallas" she moaned out.

"Damn I love it when you moan my name baby" she squeezed my ass harder moving her hips with mine. I begin to feel wetness between my legs.

"Mmmm steph... baby" she reached down pulling the covers over our heads. I kept grinding on her harder and faster with every move my moans got louder and louder until I was screaming. Stephanie kept kissing me trying to keep my screaming down, what can I say we're screamers it runs in the family.

"Uhh!!! Steph!" I yelled moving my hips harder and faster.

"Shuu baby... Just don't stop" she moaned moving with me. She reach a hand out grabbing my beast. I felt myself getting close.

"Mmmm Dallas" she moaned. Her moans were heaven in my ears.

"Ahhh!! I'm so close!" I yelled again as steph placed her lips over mine again. Out of breath I fell on top of Stephanie breathing heavy.

"You okay baby" steph said out of breath, rubbing my back slowly. I nodded kissing her lips again.

"Dallas, you were always the one I wanted. Your so amazing, beautiful, kind. Dallas I'm in love with you, this may not be the right time to say it maybe it is but, Dallas would you make me the happiest girl in the world and marry me?" she pulled out a beautiful white diamond cut ring. I felt the saltiness of my tears fall down my cheek.

"YESSS! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" she place the ring on my finger then brought her lips to mine.

*Later that day*

Stephanie! this way

Dallas over here

Dallas is that a ring on your finger?!

Stephanie did you pop the question?!

Congratulations girls!

"Are they always like this" steph laughed at my comment nodding.

"But I don't care about them, all I care about is you and me" she pecked my lips then intertwining our fingers together.

"What you gonna perform baby?" Today Stephanie having a concert for beast cancer awareness and there's no more space, over 4M was collected all thanks to my baby.

"Ahh! steph can I please have a picture" a fan said behind us.

"Sure, give me a second baby" she kissed my lips then walked over to the fan. I'm so happy we're together. She makes me so happy and loved. I can't ask for a better girlfriend wait no fiancé. Don't get me wrong I feel so bad for Demi but this is her fault. She had steph but she lost her now she mine and will stay mine Forever...

"Let's go baby" I smiled and followed her backstage.

"Okay steph, you ready?" she nodded still doing her warm up vocals. "Make us proud steph"

"Bye baby I love you have fun" she kissed my lips one last time before she walked out smiling...

She killed it! it was so amazing the crowd went crazy for her. She performed about 12 songs, hers of course. We were on our way home with my hand in steph's. I would look over at her thinking to myself 'how did I get so lucky?' she would catch me a few times and ask what's wrong, I would simply said nothing and smile.

"Uh baby I'm tired" I heard her say as soon as we walked in. I giggled placing my arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulders.

"Go to bed grandma" I joked letting go of her waist.

"Come with me" she pouted.

"No I'm not tired" I pecked her lips and moved some hair out of her face.

"Okay what if I work you out then" she winked.

"Haha okay let's go" she smiled taking my hand in hers leading the way upstairs....


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