well fuck

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my uncle is going through his last days of ALS
my aunts liver completely failed & is in the ICU
my grandma has completely lost herself
what's next?
my other aunt?
my dad?
what the fuck is next?!
my whole fucking family is literally shrinking. all we want is a break. i'm completely falling apart & i feel like no one is there to help me. i'm lost & scared.
what if my aunt doesn't get a liver? i mean we're literally waiting for someone else to die so she can live.
how much time does my uncle even have? what if i won't be able to say i love you one last time or goodbye?
what if my dad has already hurt his back enough to trigger the ALS?
god damnit
i just want a fucking break
is that so much to ask ?????

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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