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there's this girl
her name is anna
she has short, curly blonde hair & wears a jesus necklace all of the time
i️ only know her because of my css & english class for college
one day, she came to my dark corner & asked "hey you looked a little off, you okay?"
in my head i was screaming at her that i'm not okay & i  want to die, but my mouth spoke out "yeah, i'm just tired"
little did she know i was planning to kill myself that night after class
she was gullible to my answer
she was blind to the darkness in my eyes
she was deaf to the pain in my voice
she told me, " if you ever need to talk, i'm here to listen"
im sick of talking
talking is doing nothing
all that is coming out of my mouth are lies
"im okay"
"i'm just tired"
"i️m fine"

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