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Avni and neil was sitting opposite to each other on a small round table.every one else were busy In something or other.neil saw avni playing with the spoon and not eating anything.he understood that she is tensed and nervous as well.neil gently hold avnis left hand which was placed over the table.this sudden action of neil made avni startled and drop the spoon to the plate making a noice.neil suddenly withdrew his hands and turned away to see his gf and dd trying to suppress their laughter bcz they have already withnessed the small stund pulled by neil.neil was embaressed
Neil:sorry avni.its jst that.. Avni:hmmm
Neil:y r u not having anything Avni:nothing....
Neil:avni plzz have something,don't worry and relax ok,avni can I ask you something
Neil:can you come to the backside garden after lunch.i want to talk to u Avni:what if anybody see us.what will they think of us,im afraid
Neil:don't worry,everything will be fine and no one will see us.i jst want to talk to you.riya will help you to come there.plz don't deniy plzz Avni:ok I will come
Neil:now have your food Avni smiled and both were having their food.neil noticed some leftover at the corner of avnis lips.he had a sudden urge to remove it.damn his male hormones.but then discarded the thought.he knew that there is no love between them but was sure that it will happen soon and he is waiting for tht day .but he was obvious of avnis feelings.he was sure that avni doesn't love him now,but sooner or later she will too fall for him,but his selfish heart want it to happen that time both of them finished their food,guests were talking and some were already left.avnis friends couldn't come as they were preparing for their exams.
mehtas and khannas were sitting in the hall talking about anything and everything,avni was with riya standing at the backside door to elope from there to garden,neil sunehri and dd made an excuse and went from there to the garden in pretence of having some fresh air.dd brought neil to the backside towards riya and avni. Riya:avni..take neil to the garden corner so that you both can talk freely without any disturbance.
Avni jst nodded and looked towards neil who gestrured her to show the way,they both went towards the garden corner.actually it was avni and riyas secret place quite away from the main garden surrounded with plants which block the view from outside.there were two chairs and a small table under the tree.only some servents know about this place as riya denied them to reveal it to any one.the place was really beautiful.neil was astonished to see the place.avni gestured neil to sit and neil sat down on the chair.avni was still standing looking here and there checking if anybody is coming there.neil noticed this
Neil:avni sit here...I want to talk to you
Avni:no im fine...plz tell what you want to say.if someone see us it will be a problem.
Neil stood up and hold avnis hand yet again making avni jump with his sudden action.neil understood that avni was afraid and tensed of this action of his but doesn't removed his hands from hers.he gently squeezed it in an assuring way.
Neil:avni...plzz relax,why are u getting nervous??i m ur soon to be husband.u don't need to fear me.
Avni:neil plzz what if somebody come??
Neil:relax avni.nobody is going to come here.if anything happens riya dd and sunehri will inform be cool avni...
Avni just nodded and looked downwards.neil looked at avni and smiled seeing her condition.
Neil:by the way u r looking beautiful today Avni turned red in this comment of his and smiled or should I say blushed.nobody gave her this types of complements otherthan family and friends.neil removed his hands from her hands and cupped her face.avni didn't have the courage to look at neil.she was shivering under his touch and was blushing highly. Neil:avni...look at me.i have already told you that not to worry.u have to get used of my presence around you.we are getting married in less than three weeks.but you still are not comfortable with me around there any problem avni??if so then you can share it with me.
Avni:its nothing like that neil.its jst that I have never been this close to anyone other than my friends karan mithali vidyut and my Neil:ok I have a solution fo that too.make me your friend then you wont feel uncomfortable.
Avni:no neil its not about comfortable and uncomfortable.its just that I m new to all this .i promise I will try my best to make you feel good.
Neil:take it easy avni.lets move with the flow.i said all this bcz I felt u r not yet ready to accept me.
Avni:no neil.i m ready to accept you. Neil:avni can I call you from now when we are free??
Avni:why??(avni asked innocently) Neil:(mentally facepalmed himself)if we don't talk to each other then how would we get to know each other. Avni:ok..but I have eaxms so wont be able to talk sometime.
Neil:its absolutely fine.
Avni:thank you neil for making me relax.i was really nervous you know. Neil:no need of thank you .
Avni:can we move now everyone will be searching for us.
Neil:let them be afterall we are official couple now.
Avni:plz neil lets go
Neil:ok come
Neil extended his hands for avni and she took it.both walked out hand in hand towards the trio who were waiting for them they reached the trio avni tried to remove her hands but neil held it tightly.dd hinted riya and sunehri to look at avneil and saw them holdin hands and smiled broadly.neil had a miscievious glint in his eyes while avni was blushing.

Precap: avnis exam and avneil talks

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