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Roland interrupted the silence between his parents and looked up at his father with his pair of adorable, gentle, innocent eyes asking," So what's your answer, Papa?" "Oh!" Robin lost his train of thought and widen his eyes at Roland's sudden statement. The thief then realized what he wanted to say to his wife. "Sorry for making you wait, Roland, but do you think you can go to Little John right now while I talk with uhm... Mama," the father felt a chill at calling Marion that while he was responding kindly to his son. Roland nodded his head and ran off to John. Robin then moved his glance to Marion and took a big breath,"Marion." she looked up and returned his glance with an intense stare. She prepared herself for what she knew he was going to say.

"Marion, I'm glad you're back, honestly. But the thing is that times have changed. I have changed. And all though I have grieved during the time of your absence, I have moved on to love another woman-" "Regina," Marion interrupted him in an awkward voice for she already knew his answer and tried to soften the blow a bit. Her face showed sadness and rejection. It made Robin gulp as he tried to continue," Yes... Uhmmm... Regina... You see, she is no longer evil and she has also changed... into a better version of herself, and I have fallen in love with this new her. So no, Marion. I can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry..." His wife was clearly trying to hold back sobs at the hear of this. She looked up to see his face. Her eyes watering a bit. "I understand... It's just that-"

They were broken off by the sound of Rumple's voice. "Sorry to barge in your conversation ,but we've got bigger problems right now." Everyone in the diner once again stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Rumple. "What do you mean we've got bigger problems," Snow's voice came out angered and concerned as she questioned Rumple's statement. She embraced baby Neal tighter and Charming protectively put his hand on the baby. "What I mean is," he turned around to look at the two parents," I have been sensing a large amount of powerful magic for a while now ever since Emma and that no-good pirate entered the diner." Hook rolled his eyes at Gold's description of him. "It doesn't seem to be Emma's or Regina's and your charming child and her new boyfriend got rid of Zelena's when they returned." The apparently new couple looked at each other while Rumple was still facing Snow and David.

"Which means," he switched his gaze to the blonde and captain and pointed a finger at them," You must've brought something back." Everybody in the background gasped at the new information they had just absorbed.

Emma then thought of what Regina said earlier," Well you just hope to hell you didn't bring anything else back." She then remembered the time when she and Hook were in Rumple's vault and the time Hook touched that vase thingy. She then realized it had been brought with them to Storybrooke. She gasped. Everybody then switched their gazes to Emma. She looked up at Hook then to Gold and muttered," I think we may have brought something from your vault... I think it was a gold, brown vase, capsule, thingy." She flashed an awkward smile hoping he wouldn't get mad. Unfortunately for her, Gold's calm expression had changed into an angry one," YOU DID WHAT?! I ONLY KEEP MY MOST DANGEROUS STUFF THAT EVEN I SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM IN THERE!" Belle tugged on her newly-wedded husband's arm, calming him down.

Gold inhaled a large breathe and continued,"Okay... Whatever it is that you brought, it's dangerous. Now just to be clear, everyone is inside this diner right?" He took a look around the diner. Robin then walked up to Rumple and placed a hand on his shoulder," Regina's not here..." He said with a sadden look on his face.

Rumple turned around to look at the thief's face. His face showing he had bad news to deliver,"Well you better find her and bring her back here, cuz' right now... she's in danger."

Robin's heart sunk at the hear of this. First he had caused her pain, and now, he had put her in danger. "No," he muttered. Tears formed in his eyes and he muttered another word.


A/N: Hi guys! Just wanted to thank you for reading this cuz this is my first ever fanfic and I personally think I'm not good in writing so I wanted to give a HUGE thank you for continuing to read this. I also wanted to say that the number of reads, votes, and comments saying," CONTINUE!" are what really motivate me to keep writing. So uhm share this with other people, have them read it, vote, and feel free to comment and give me your opinions and I will happily update and write a new chapter for you. Ok bye!

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