I Choose You

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A/N: Omg can you believe that this is the last chapter?! This story has only been up for a little bit over a month and it has really grown. Like I have 1.5K+ reads, 150+votes, and many fans and people who love and can't get enough of this story. Luv u guys SO MUCH words can't even explain. Anyway, this last chapter was just gonna be fluff and all about Robin and Regina's reunion, but because I said I planned on going big, I have to live up to my word. So I put a little surprise that not even you, or Adam and Eddy, or even anyone would ever predict. Anyway this was super duper really long and I'm too lazy to edit, so if there are any mistakes. I'm sorry. Ok I'm gonna stop talking and let you read the story so... *pause for dramatic effect* bai...

The smoke clears and everyone looks up to see a ceiling above their heads. They're in Regina's house, Elsa thinks to herself.

Elsa shifted her gaze to the bed. What she saw, brought her down to knees and made her gasp. Everyone followed Elsa's gaze and also gasped at the sight. Henry buried his face into Emma's shoulder and Robin crawled to the edge of the bed to see what everyone gasped about.

When he finally managed to lift his head up onto the mattress, Robin soon realized why everyone gasped.

What he saw in front of him, was a fully-frozen Regina looking down on something she held in her hand.

It was a solid ice heart. Her heart. It was covered in cracks and appeared to be broken.

Regina had a broken heart and it was all because of him.

Robin felt his own heart drop in his chest and he used his arms to crawl to the other side of the bed. The outlaw struggled to get on and he asked for help from the others.

Once laid on the mattress, Robin scooted closer to Regina and caressed her frozen face. She was absolutely cold and Robin wanted nothing more than to feel her warm touch again.

Robin placed a hand over Regina's heart and stared deeply into her frozen eyes. He then shut his own eyes, leaned in, and closed the gap between them two.

The group watched from the side as Robin leaned in to seal his and Regina's lips. After a few seconds, Regina and Robin began to thaw and once Regina felt Robin's lips on hers, she passionately kissed back.

When Robin felt Regina's lips respond to his kiss, he pulled away to find chocolate eyes staring right at his.

Regina flashed him a smile.

"REGINA!" Robin screamed her name at the top of his lungs, pulled her in for a right embrace, and flashed the widest smile in return.

Regina let out a small chuckle and Robin showered her face in kisses. Regina pushed on Robin's chest to look at him. "Hi Robin." She greeted.

Robin laughed and he looked at Regina with loving eyes. "Hi Regina! How you're doing?Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Robin. The question is, are you okay? I could see you struggle to get on the bed. Not to mention the blood that was dripping down your neck."

Robin nervously put his hand on the wound that at was the back of his head. Regina also put her hand there and whispered, "Here. Let me fix that." She closed her eyes and a white light began emitting from her hand.

Once the job was done, Regina opened her eyes and removed their hands. Robin's wound was perfectly healed and he was left with his mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Y-You used light magic. You only use that on people you care about. Meaning you love me. Meaning you must have your memory back." Robin said.

"Yes, Robin, I do have my memory back. I don't how, but I do. And... I do love you." Regina replied.

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