Don't Give Up, Never Give Up

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Robin walked around in circles, hand to his forehead, thinking quietly to himself.

"It's not true! It's not true! It wasn't her! It wasn't her! Maybe... Maybe I should talk to Emma and Hook and find out if it's true or not."

The thief walked up to the blonde and pirate. "Emma,"

"Robin," she replied.

"Is it true that you and Hook found Marion inside Regina's dungeons? When she was about to be executed?" He asked.

Emma stood there, mouth agape, unable to find the words. She didn't want to be the one to break the news to him, not after what happened to Regina when Marion and Robin reunited. Hook noticed this, placed a hand on her shoulder, and spoke up for Emma.

"Aye, mate. We found your wife down in a cell in Regina's dungeon. She would've die if we hadn't rescue her. Sorry."

Robin's heart sunk in his chest and he walked back to the room. He stared at the sleeping pair, Regina and Roland, and began thinking to himself again.

"So it's true,huh? She did it. She killed Marion. She's evil."

Robin instantly smacked himself on the forehead. "Did I really just think that?"

He turned around, sighed, leaned against the doorframe, and continued to watch the queen and his son sleep silently.


Emma walked away from Hook and went to sit down to think to herself.

"Ever since I changed history and came back, everything's been going wrong. First I released an enemy into Storybrooke, then Regina crossed the town line, next she was attacked, not to mention her body is literally freezing and we don't have a cure, and now Robin knows Marion was gonna be killed by Regina and probably hates her."

Emma sighed. She saw Henry in the distance and walked up to him. He looked conflicted.

"Hey kid, something bothering you?"

He looked up at his mother and asked her a question. "Mom, did what Robin and Mr. Gold say about the attacker sound familiar to you?"

Emma was taken back by the question, "What do you mean?"she asked.

"I mean like frozen hearts, snowing in summer, braids, fancy dresses. Don't you recognize those from somewhere?" Henry replied.

"I still don't know what you're talking about." Emma said.

"Let me help you refresh your memory. Let it go~ Let it go~ It's just like in Frozen, that movie we saw together in New York."

Everything made sense now to Emma. "Oh now I remember! That movie had way too many songs."

"True. But guess what. In the movie, it said to thaw a frozen heart, all you need is an act of true love." Henry explained.

Emma's face lit up. "Kid you're a genius! Now go tell Robin and I'll tell the others."

Henry quickly ran to Robin to tell him the news. When he arrived, he saw a troubled look on Robin's face. "Robin is everything okay? You look like something's bothering you."

The thief turned around to face the teenager. "Uhm... I'm fine, Henry. So tell me, why have you come here?"

"I found a way to unfreeze my mom!" Henry excitingly replied.

"Well that's great!" Robin celebrated with a smile on his face.

"Yeah! I know right! So to thaw a frozen heart, you need an act of true love. That's where you come in. You need to kiss to my mom." Henry explained.

Robin's smile faded into a frown. "How can I possibly kiss someone who ruined my life?" He thought to himself.

The 14-year old noticed the change in Robin's expression,"Why are you frowning? You should have a giant grin on your face! You should be rushing to kiss her! So why aren't you? Don't you love my mom?!

"I do, I do, I do! Trust me Henry. I do love her, with all of my heart. It's just that-" Robin cut himself and inhaled a large breath before he continued,"It's just that... I found out that Regina was the reason my wife died. She killed her. I don't know how I could possibly kiss her after what she did."

Henry was absolutely outraged.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" The angry teenager yelled at the adult. Henry walked in circles for a little bit and calmed himself down.

After Henry composed himself, he continued his rant.

"I must admit, killing your wife was a horrible thing to do, but if you truly loved my mom with all your heart, you wouldn't care about what she did in the past."

Robin felt like he was shot in the heart by an arrow.

It's true. If Robin did really love Regina, he wouldn't care about what she did and happily kiss her. Robin sighed and leaned against the wall with a hand to his forehead.

Henry began ranting again. "YOU KNOW SHE HAS TRIED SO HARD TO CHANGE! YOU KNOW SHE HAS ENDLESSLY TRIED TO MAKE OTHERS FORGET ABOUT WHAT SHE DID IN THE PAST! YOU KNOW SHE REGRETS DOING THOSE THINGS! SHE LET YOU IN, WHILE I WAS GONE. You, the man who loved my mom despite what she did back then, are giving up on her? YOU DON'T GIVE UP ON THE ONES YOU LOVE! Hold up, let me rephrase that. You never give up on the ones you love."

"Henry I-" Robin tried to talk but was cut off.

"NO! YOU DON'T GET TO SPEAK! If you're not gonna kiss her, then I will." Henry stepped inside the room and when he did, somebody bursted through the window. The person blasted an ice ball at Henry's feet and froze him to the floor.

"I don't think so, sweetie."the person said as they walked towards Regina.

Robin ran inside, trying to protect Regina, but the person blasted him also with magic. The thief crashed into the wall and was frozen into place. He took a close look at the attacker. It was the same person that went after Regina.

The attacker took a step closer to Regina.

"Stay away from her! I won't let you hurt Regina!" Robin yelled.

"Says the man who already hurt her more than I did." She taunted.

"Get away from her, Elsa!" Henry screamed.

"Oh! Looks like someone did their research on me. Why don't you two do me a favor and stay out of way!" Elsa sent an ice ball to each of their heads, making them unconscious. She then picked up both Regina and Roland, extinguished the fire, and disappeared in a blue smoke.

You don't give up on the ones you love.

You never give up on the ones you love.

A/N: Sorry if some of the stuff seemed out of place or didn't make sense. I tried to write this as fast as possible cuz I had stuff to do. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that it may take me a few days or so to write the next chapter. I plan on including Elsa's backstory in it so that's why it's gonna take me awhile. Since we don't know her backstory, I have to make one up and it's quite the challenge for me. So yah. Ok bai!

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