Risk and Control

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A/N: Hey guys! So because I felt bad that you had to wait a week for the story finale, I decided to give you guys a teaser chapter! It's only a small, less important part of the finale so I thought I could just give you guys this for right now. Before you read, I just wanna explain this before you get confused but uhm, while Elsa sulks over Robin's body, Rumple is in the background trying to take care of Marshmallow and uhm, well lets just say that some disembodied limbs may show up in this chapter. I also just wanna mention that if you are somebody that absolutely hates Marion, then you're going to love this! All righty then, last, final chapter coming up on Wednesday. Until then, bai!

Marion groggily opened her eyes. Right in front of her was a lifeless-looking Robin with a flow of blood streaming down his face and hands. He also had a blue circle over where his heart should be.The brunette immediately stood up, ran towards her husband, cupped his face in her hands, and let the tears flow. During the process she shoved Elsa out of the way, making every ounce of the ice queen's blood boil with anger.

Elsa grunted from the slam she took to the ground. She caught the sight of Marion crying over Robin's unconscious body and felt the guilt inside her become overridden with fury. The ice queen slowly stood up and strolled to the bruntte, her heels clicking at each anger-filled step she took.

The sound made Marion lift up her head and look away from Robin. Elsa regally stood in front of the kneeling-Marion and they exchanged a few seconds of utter silence as they stared intensely at each other.

Elsa then lifted up her hand, and sent a fast,heavy, good-slap-to-the-face to the brunette. "I knew you shouldn't have come! Look what you did!" The ice queen yelled.

Marion's mouth was agape and she slowly put her hand on her now throbbing cheek. The brunette got up on feet, took a deep breathe, and yelled back at the blonde. "Look what I did? That was your snow monster!"

Elsa took a step closer and neared her face an inch away from Marion's.

"Why I outta-"

The ice queen's threat was interrupted by the sound of Robin coughing. The arguing duo switched their gazes to the archer. He was coughing up blood and seemed to have a hard time breathing. The two then kneeled down beside Robin and focused their attention on him.

"M-My legs... I c-can't move t-them..." Robin murmured. The two women looked at his legs. They were already completely frozen and Elsa could feel the guilt coming back to her again. Robin took a large, struggled breath and continued, "I need to save... R-Regina..."

Elsa and Marion looked at each other with worry written all over their faces.

"That's right! Regina... How will we ever save her and Robin if both of them are completely frozen?!" Marion asked.

Elsa shook her head and whispered,"We can't save them. Not with both of them frozen I mean. But if we were able to get him to her right now, there is a tiny chance that both can be saved."

Marion immediately put Robin's arm around her neck and tried to lift him up. "Well then what are we waiting for? C'mon, help me carry Robin to where Regina is."

Elsa watched with pity as Marion struggled to lift up Robin. "Stop trying, Marion. Robin practically weighs as much as a horse with those frozen legs."

The brunette lowered Robin back onto the ground. "So what do we do?" She asked Elsa.

The ice queen scooted closer to Marion and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We do nothing... We wait and we say goodbye."

Marian's heart sunk and she looked at Robin with watery eyes. "No. No, there has to be a way to save them."

"I'm sorry, Marion. There just isn't. Trust me if there was, I would've told you by now."

Tears rolled down the brunette's face and onto Robin's lips. Marion watched each one drop and came up with an idea. She exciting turned to Elsa to tell her. "Maybe if I kiss Robin, he'll unfreeze! Right? An act of true love can thaw a frozen heart; is that how it works?"

"That is true, Marion, but honestly, I'm kinda doubting that it will work."

"Well we gotta at least try. Right?"

Elsa hesitated to come up with an answer but soon found herself slowly nodding her head.

Marion cupped Robin's face, leaned in, and was just about to kiss him when suddenly,

Marshmallow's disembodied hand smacked her out of the way and into a lightpost.

Elsa gasped and went to go help her up but was distracted by a screaming Rumple in the distance.

"Elsa! I need your help! You see that hand! I melted it but it grew back! Only you can make it go away and finish it once and for all!"

Elsa shook her head in disbelief. "I-I can't! I don't know h-how! My magic... it's unstable!"

Rumple yelled back at her as he focused his fireballs at Marshmallow's growing legs. "Elsa! Elsa hey! Listen to me! It's not your magic that's unstable, it's your emotions! Learn to control your emotions, you learn to control your magic! Now! Focus on the people you love! On the people you want to help! Don't focus on the guilt! Focus on wanting to save them because... Because they're important to you!"

Elsa put her hands out in front of her, closed her eyes, did as she was told, and blasted the disembodied hand with downfalls of snow until it was no longer was there.

"Good job, Elsa! You did it! Now can you help me with this one?" Gold asked.

Elsa opened her eyes. The hand was no longer there and it put a huge smile on Elsa's face. During her mini celebratory moment, Gold caught her attention, asking for help, and she ran towards him and took care of the situation.

After Marshmallow's body had been taken care of, everyone focused their attention on Robin. He was too heavy for even Charming and Hook to lift up, Marian earned a concussion from being smacked by the snow monster and was no longer awake, and Gold was exhausted from using all that magic to defeat Marshmallow that he could not transport all of them to Regina's mansion. It was now all up to Elsa and her newly-controlled magic to find a way to save Regina and Robin. She thought for a moment, then got the idea to poof them all to Regina's herself.

Elsa put her hands up and focused her thoughts on her friend, Regina. She could feel the magic flow all throughout her body, snapped her fingers, and surrounded all nine of them in a swirl of blue smoke.

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