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A/N: I suggest you prepare yourself for the feels you are about to experience the moment you start reading this. Ok bai!

Roland walked up to his father with a frown, teary eyes, and trembling legs. "D-Daddy? W-Why are you crying? Is something w-wrong with 'Gina?"

Robin didn't say anything. Instead he spread out his arms and pulled the boy in for an embrace.

Henry could hear someone sobbing and turned around. It was Robin Hood, his mom's new boyfriend. He was holding a lifeless-looking Regina in his arms. Henry walked over to them.

"Robin. W-What's wrong with my mom? I-Is she-"

The thief cut him off before the teenager could finish and pulled Henry into the hug.

All eyes now laid on them. Everyone watched silently with sad faces as the 3 males cried.

"Ok enough crying. Regina's not dead you know?" Announced Rumple.

Henry lifted up his head to look at his grandfather. "Then why is she like this? All pale and unconscious?"

Gold stared down at his grandson,"Henry, I'm the one that made her unconscious." Henry looked down on his mother then back up at Gold.

"W-why would you do that?" Asked the 14-year old.

Gold took in a deep breath and looked at Henry with sincere eyes,"I made her unconscious to stop her knowing."

"Stop her from knowing what, Gold?" Asked Emma angrily as she stepped onto the scene.

He looked at the blonde with the same angry glare she was giving him and said,"To stop her from knowing that she would die..."

Everyone took in a moment of silence. Robin's sobs grew harder; Henry broke down in tears ;Emma hugged him, tears streaming down her face; Snow gasped in the background and buried her head in David's chest; and Rumple sat down with a hand up to his forehead.

Snow lifted up her head and wiped her tears away. "No, Regina won't die. We must have hope that she will live." the overly optimistic princess announced. Everyone ,but Gold, nodded their heads in agreement to her words.

"Hate to break it to you, dearie, but I'm afraid that won't be possible. You see, you know how I sensed a powerful magic in town? Yeah, well the owner of it attacked Regina, striking her right in the heart, freezing it. Which will soon lead to freezing her whole body. And once fully frozen, Regina will become breathless and die... I don't know how to stop it. I'm sorry... "

Snow shook her head. "No, no, no, no. There must be a way to stop it. As long as we believe we'll find a way. Perhaps if we first figure out who attacked Regina, we can understand how to unfreeze her."

She turned around to look at Robin. A hopeful smile on her face. "Robin, you were with Regina. Did you see the person who assaulted her?"

The outlaw handed Regina to Henry, stood up, and wiped his tears away. "I didn't their face, but from my view, it was a young lady who hurt Regina. She had platinum blonde hair gathered in a braid, alabaster skin, and a long, blue, flowy, sparkly dress. I think I should also tell you that before Regina was attacked, she was running away from me to cross the town line. I was unable to stop her, so she crossed it, and when she stepped back into town, that's when the attacker came."

"Wait Robin, did you say Regina crossed the town line?" Asked Gold.

"Yes. I already told you that earlier," Robin replied.

Rumple replayed the scene in his head and continued, "Well I'm sorry. I didn't hear you the first time cuz' you were talking so fast. Anyway, I just wanted to know if her memory was affected. Was it?"

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