Don't Wanna Hurt You

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After a few minutes of thinking,"BLOODY HELL MATE!" yelled Hook. Robin was once again lost in thought then turned to look at the pirate that caught his attention. He stared at the captain with a look of shock and confusion.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE?! GO AFTER YER' GIRL!" screamed Hook once again trying to bring back the thief to reality.

Robin then realized what was going on and blinked a few times. This time Charming said something to the blonde-bearded man," Yah man! Regina is out there in possible danger of a more powerful opponent and you're still here not chasing after her and bringing her back to safety. Don't you guys love each other?"

Robin started speaking immediately at the comment from David," I do love her! Trust me I do! With all of my heart." Marian could be heard weeping and exiting the situation to head to the bathroom. He turned his head at the sound of her footsteps and weeps. Granny suddenly joined in the conversation, "Then why are you not out there yet?!" "Yeah!" Grumpy added. Robin struggled to form an answer. He looked around. Everyone's eyes were on him.

"Because I-, B-Because," Robin stuttered with his words. "Because what?" Snow asked. The crowd waited. He sighed then continued,"Because I went after Regina already and she seemed like she didn't want to see me anymore. When I went to her, she was clearly hurting. I had caused Regina pain by reuniting with Marian and forgetting about her, and I feel like if I went to Regina, I would only cause her more pain. Plus, where would I even find her? She drove off when I last saw her."

"Aaaaaaw," went some of the girls in the diner at Robin's words about Regina. (Those girls were Tinkerbell, Snow, Belle, and Ruby.) Snow then spoke up,"Well if you're looking for Regina, she would most likely be at places that comfort her. Like the stables, or the forest."

Robin then smiled and went to go hug Snow. "The forest! Why didn't I think of that?" After he released Snow from his grip, a thought came to his head and his smile turned back into a frown. "What's wrong, mate?" asked Hook who noticed Robin's change of expression. "Regina still doesn't want to talk to me. How can I bring her back here?" David stood up and spoke this time,"Well who said you'll have to go talk and bring her back alone? Right? Snow? Hook?" Charming turned to look at his daughter,"Emma?" She squirmed and lowered her head,"Regina kinda doesn't want to talk to me. I'm the reason she left in the first place." Hook put his arm around her knowing that it pained Emma to say this. She looked at where Hook's hand was, then looked up at his face , and back to face her father. David was clearly angry. Not at the fact she made Regina leave, but at the sight of Hook's arm around his baby girl. She gave her dad an awkward smile and continued,"I brought Marian with me to Storybrooke when she was supposed to be executed for helping Mom. I just- couldn't let her die..." "Emma!" Snow scolded her daughter though there was a forgiving tone in her voice. Emma turned to look at Robin. "I'm sorry Robin. I didn't know she was your wife. If I did, I wouldn't let any of this happen. I-" Robin stopped her from going on,"It's okay, Emma. I would've done the same thing if I was in your position. Let's forget about that right now." He turned to look back at Hook, David, and Snow,"Even if you guys came with me, do you still think Regina would talk and allow you to take her here?" Henry stood up,"Maybe I should be the one to find her, talk to her, and bring her back to the diner." Emma's eyes widen. She removed Hook's arm around her and walked to Henry. "No way mister! Look, you may be the only one she'll talk to, but it's too dangerous out there and you could get seriously hurt."

Robin watched the mother and son talk and thought of an idea.

"Guys!" Everyone turned their heads to look at the thief. "I've thought of an idea! It would make Regina come here without a doubt and it doesn't require anyone, but myself to go outside." "Well what is it, mate?" asked Hook.

"I'll go find Regina and tell her Henry's been hurt. As a parent, she'll have no choice but to put up with me and come here." Rumple responded to Robin's idea," That might actually work, and knowing Regina, she must have also sensed this new powerful magic in town. Just tell her a new enemy showed up,pushed Henry to the wall, and he became unconscious." Snow spoke up,"Wait shouldn't we also show up and talk to Regina?" Rumple turned to look at her,"No," he sternly told her,"We should pretend it's so serious that everyone is concerned and can't help but look after Henry."

Grumpy walked up to Snow and placed a hand on her shoulder," Hate to break it to you,sister, but you can't lie very well either. Not to mention you can't exactly keep a secret." She gasped. Her eyes moved from the dwarf's to everybody else. They were all nodding their heads. Even her best friend, Ruby; her daughter, Emma; and husband, Charming were nodding her heads. She began bickering with David.

Robin started speaking again, all eyes now on him,"Okay guys, before things get out of hand, I think I should go and find Regina already ..." The once-angered woman turned around to look at Robin with a shocked face that later turned into a smile," Oh right! Regina. Go after her, Robin. Hurry!"

The thief walked to the door and opened it. He took a deep breath and turned around to look at the crowd. "Good luck, Robin. Go get her!" Henry encouraged him. "Go get your girl, mate," joined in Hook. Roland walked up to Robin and the father picked up his son and embraced him. "Be careful,Papa. Don't let Regina or you get hurt" Robin looked at Roland and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Don't worry my boy. I'll be sure to stay safe. I'll also make sure that Regina gets back here safe and sound too."

He then took a step outside, closed the door, and muttered to himself.

"I'm coming after you Regina."

A/N: Ah, so good. Not to mention funny also. Just want to let you know that in the next chapter (it may be 2 chapters if it ends up being too long, but don't worry it'll be posted at the same time or right after the first if that happens) Robin will find Regina and talk to her so uhm... brace yourselves for some emotional, heartbreaking stuff. It/they will be uploaded later tonight at around 11 PM or midnight.

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