Accusation: Part 1

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Regina slowly opened her eyes. Things were a little bit blurry so the queen rubbed them. As things came into clear view, the mayor noticed she was lying down in her bed. Regina placed a hand on her forehead and muttered something.

"Thank God. It was just a dream."

Or so she thought.

Regina's forehead became colder and colder the longer her hand remained there, and she finally pulled it away from her head and onto her lap to look at it. She gasped. Her hand was solid blue ice, front and back. She immediately pulled the covers off of her body. The queen trembled with fear at the sight. Her frozen foot had grown into a frozen leg overnight.

"Papa!" A little boy's scream filled the silent mansion.

The scream came from Henry's room and Regina instantly turned her head in that direction. "HENRY?!"she called.

No response.

Regina tried to get out of the bed but her frozen leg was preventing her from doing so. She grunted as she struggled to leave her place. In the end, Regina gave up trying and transported herself to Henry's room in a purple smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Regina saw that it wasn't Henry that was crying, but a little kid with brown, curly hair.

"Gina!" he cheered as he hugged the queen.

"Who is this kid and why is he hugging me?" She thought to herself.

Regina put her hands on the kid's shoulders and pushed him away from her to examine his face. He had brown eyes and was probably around the age of 5. The kid looked somewhat familiar and had a resemblance to Robin Hood.

Regina wiped away his tears, patted his back, and allowed him to cry on her shoulder.

After he was done crying, the queen asked him a question.

"Who are you?"

The kid pulled away from Regina and began crying again. "Y-You m-mean you don't remember m-me?" he asked with a shaky voice.

Regina took another look at his face. "Roland?" she whispered.

"Gina', you do remember me!" he cheered as he hugged her again.

Regina's head was spinning with thoughts. "How did I know this kid's name? I've never seen him before in my life. But at the same time... I feel like I know exactly who he is already."

"I t-think I'm starting to remember," the queen responded as she put her arms around the boy.

Just then, somewhere arrived in a cloud of smoke. After the smoke cleared, it revealed a girl with blonde hair gathered into a French braid, skin white as snow, and a sparkly blue dress.

"I don't think so." The girl said. She snapped her fingers and Roland disappeared.

Regina looked down at where Roland used to be with a shocked face. She was absolutely furious and turned around to look at the blonde.

"WHERE DID HE GO?!" Regina asked.

The blonde put her face closer to Regina's and responded "Relax. I sent him to a place where you'll never find him. To where nobody will find him."

Regina punched her in the face and grabbed her shoulders to make her look at her. "WHY?!"

"Simply because... we can't have you remembering. Now can we?" Elsa responded.

Regina delivered another blow to the ice queen's face. Then Elsa made a icicle come out of the headboard of the bed. It was built so fast and stopped an inch away from Regina's back before it could stab her.

"Now I suggest you stop with the punches or else." Elsa said.

Regina barred her teeth. "Or else what?"

The icicle slowly moved closer and closer until the tip finally touched Regina. "Or else I'll just have to impale you."

Regina sighed and removed her hands from the blonde's shoulders. Regina surely didn't want to die at this moment. Not when she hadn't seen Snow White suffer yet.

Elsa began moving around the room and began touching Henry's stuff. "So it looks like you don't wanna die."

Regina watched Elsa moved around and scowled at her. "Who are you?"

"The name's Elsa. Queen of Arendelle." The ice queen responded.

"Why have you captured me?" Regina asked.

Elsa turned around and looked at Regina with the same scowl she was giving her, "Because, I didn't ask to be here."

"What does that have anything to do with me?"

The blonde moved up to Regina's face and barred her teeth,"Easy, because you were the one that kept me away from my dying sister."

The mayor was confused,"I don't recall that ever happening."

Elsa snapped, "LIES! It was you that separated me from Anna! It was you that kept me in that damn capsule while my sister was dying! I even remember the words you last told me! 'Farewell... dearie.'"

Back in Arendelle:

It was the day of Elsa's coranation, around the time Leopold died. Regina had arrived because Arendelle was a big business partner. She became really good friends with Anna but was an even bigger friend to Elsa. Elsa really bonded with her because they both became queen at a really young age, had a not-so-good relationship with their family, and not to mention, they both had magic.

After Anna failed to bring the isolated ice queen, Regina went after her.

"ELSA!" Regina called as she bursted through the ice doors.

"Regina!" Elsa was excited to hear her voice and showed herself at the top of the grand staircase.

"Elsa, there you are! I have some terrible news. Anna is dying." Said Regina with a sympathetic look on her face.

"WHAT?!" Elsa scurried down the staircase.

"Your magic... it attacked Anna in the heart. She's freezing to death. You need to save her."

Elsa trembled at Regina's words. "I-I don't know h-how. I fear I will hurt her and everyone more than I already have. I should just disappear."

Regina began mechanically laughing and made an urn appear in the palm of her hand.

"Regina? What's going on?" Asked Elsa.

Regina waved the vase in front of the ice queen's face and walked in circles around her. "Elsa you are indeed right. You should disappear." She waved her hand and a purple emitted from the urn, making Elsa melt.

"Regina how could you?! I thought we were friends." The ice queen screamed as she melted.

Regina evilly laughed again,"Friends? Oh please. I tricked you."

"WHAT?!" Elsa was utterly confused.

"You see, magic always comes with a price. And you, still have the pay the price for... hitting Anna in the eye, hitting her in the heart, and lastly, for even having magic in the first place. Say goodbye to your kingdom, or for that matter, anyone. You'll be stuck in this capsule forever. Where you can't hurt Anna, just like you wished. And most importantly, you can't hurt me. Farewell... dearie."


The smoke surrounded Elsa and she was sucked into the urn. Regina put the lid down and set the vase onto the floor.

Regina snapped her fingers and a violet smoke surrounded her. When it cleared, it revealed someone else.


A/N: I am so evil. I ended it with a cliffhanger. Part 2 coming up in less than 48 hrs, most likely tomorrow though so don't worry. Thanks for waiting for me to upload this. It was kinda hard to create a backstory for Elsa but I finally figured it out. If you are currently reading this, do not skip this, but imagine Roland's sad crying adorable face when Regina didn't recognize him. Did you just imagine it? Is your heart breaking? Omg I am so evil. Ok bai!

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