Accusation: Part 2/ Friends

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A/N: Yah I'm giving this chapter two titles cuz I don't know which one to choose. I want the friends one but I already put out Part 1 on the previous chapter. Anyway, on with the story.

Back in Storybrooke:

"Wait! Did you say that my last words were, 'Farewell... dearie.'?" Asked Regina.

"Yeah. Why?"'

"Because that proves that I'm innocent!" Regina cheered.

Elsa sneered at her. "And just how are you innocent?"

"Because never in my life ,except now and just then, have I ever said 'dearie'. Someone posed as me. And I know just who did it."' The mayor explained.

Elsa was intrigued. "Well. Who did it?"

"Rumplestiltskin." Regina whispered with an annoyed look on her face as she had just figured it out.

Regina snapped and began frantically walking around to room, her hands were clenched into fists."THAT LITTLE IMP! Posing as me just to lock someone up! I SWEAR I WILL..." Her eyes moved to look at Elsa's. The ice queen's eyes showed fear and shock at Regina's sudden outburst. The mayor unclenched her fists and took deep breaths to calm herself down. "Sorry. Let's just figure this out. Has Rumple ever talked to you? He says dearie a lot. And I mean a lot. He includes it in every conversation like it's his signature trademark word. Anyway, Rumple is also an expert in magic. He makes deals with people who are in need of magic. But magic is not free, Rumple always makes sure you pay the price. Does any of that ring the bell? "


"Rumplestiltskin, I summon thee!" Elsa's father called with an unconscious Anna in his arms.

The imp appeared in front of the family's eyes. "You called?"

Elsa walked up to the man. "I hit my sister in the head with my ice magic and now she's not waking up. Can you please help?"

Rumple did his signature childish laugh. "Ice magic you say?" He then touched Elsa's shoulder and felt a tingle go through his body. He leaned down to look at Elsa. "You're going to be a very powerful sorceress one day, dearie. Very... Very... powerful."

Elsa stared at the imp with amazement. Her father then stood in front of her. "Thank you for the compliment, but can you please fix my daughter."

Rumple looked down at Anna and hovered his hand over her body to locate the ice inside her. His hand stopped above her hand and he looked up at the king. "Yeah I can fix her, but let me warn you dearie, magic always comes with a price. Are you sure you wanna go through with this?"

"Whatever it takes."

"Very well then. Now I can extract the ice but her memories will still stay intact and she'll be able to remember the incident and that her sister has magic. I can alter her memory, but it will come at an even bigger price."

The father looked down at Elsa then back at Rumple. "As I said, whatever it takes. Please extract the ice and change her memory."

"As you wish." Rumple waved his hand and a blue light came out of Anna's head and into his palm. He swirled the ball of blue light in his hand and inserted it back into the child .

"Thank you very much." Said the mother and the family walked away.

Rumple snapped his fingers and appeared in front of the doors. "You forgot about the price."

"Whatever it is, we'll pay it. What is it that you want?" Asked the king.

The imp laughed. "Oh you don't have anything I want. That is, as of right now. You'll have it in the future and I'll come collect it without you even knowing."

"Very well. Now leave us." Said the queen.

"Wait just a minute. Let me talk to... Elsa." Rumple lowered himself to Elsa's height and whispered into her ear.

"Elsa, remember when I told you that you would be powerful?" The blonde nodded. "Well learn how to control your magic first, because someday, it'll hurt someone you love." Elsa shook with fear. Rumple noticed and continued,"Be lucky you hit your sister in the head and not the heart. That would've been a problem. By the way, here's a secret. Magic is created by emotion. Control your emotions, and you'll be able to control your magic. Once you control something, there'll be no reason to fear it. Got it, dearie?" Elsa shook her head yes. "Well then I bid you goodbye. Rumple stood up,bowed, and he disappeared in a purple smoke.

Back in Storybrooke:

"Now that I think of it, I have met Rumplestiltskin before. It was back when I was a child. I was playing with my sister, Anna, and I accidentally hit her in the head with my magic. She became unconscious and he was the one we summoned to fix the problem. He told me I would be very powerful, how I can control my magic, and that all magic has a price. He also told me that striking people in the heart would be very dangerous. WAIT A MINUTE!"

Elsa turned her head to look at Regina.

During their talk and her flashback, half of Regina's hair had turned white and her other leg was starting to freeze.

"What is it?" Asked Regina, who hadn't notice the changes but had kept her eyes on Elsa the whole time.

"I had struck you in the heart when you crossed the town line. That's why you're freezing. Regina, I'm so very sorry. Here. Although this spell uses a lot of my energy, I can undo some of the freezing until it comes back again." Elsa closed her eyes and put her arms in front of her. The ice on her legs slowly disappeared and Regina watched with amazement. When Elsa couldn't do anymore, she collapsed onto the bed. Her eyes were halfway open, but she made sure to stay awake and wait for her energy to regain.

"Thank you, Elsa." Regina said with a soft smile on her face.

"No problem. I'm the one who hurt you when you didn't deserve it so it's only fair that I take some of the damage." Elsa whispered, giving the same smile back to Regina.

"Thank you," Regina repeated as she walked away.

"Wait! Regina, where are you going? I'm not gonna faint or anything I'm just waiting for my energy to come back. Please. Let's talk."

Regina walked back to the blonde and sat next to her on the bed. "Yah, okay. Sure"

She told Elsa about how she became the Evil Queen and Robin Hood, the man she met when she woke up and not to mention, her soulmate. Whereas, Elsa talked to Regina about Anna and the day she became queen of Arendelle.

(Elsa speaking to Regina)

"You know I felt so betrayed when Rumple locked me up. On the day of my coronation, he showed up as you, considering Arendelle and your kingdom were business partners. We became really good friends. I thought nobody in this world would understand me, but 'you' did. We both had not-so-good relationships with our family, became queen at a very young age, and we both had magic. Rumple had me fooled. I actually thought I had a real friend." Elsa told her.

Regina pulled Elsa in for a hug. "Oh Elsa. You've been through a lot. I'm really sorry for what Rumple did to you. I promise you we'll get back at him. As for the real friend thing, you do have one. Me."

"Thank you, Regina. Again I'm sorry for accusing you and freezing your heart." Elsa said with a tear running down her face.

Regina pulled away to look at her new friend, "It's okay, Elsa. I forgive you."

More tears came streaming down Elsa's face, but she wiped them away and flashed a big smile at Regina.

Regina couldn't help but smile back. She stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

"Come on Elsa, let's eat. It's almost lunchtime."

Elsa got up and happily walked to Regina.

"Hey Elsa, have you tried lasagna?" asked the mayor.

"No. What's that?" the ice queen responded.

"You'll see. It tastes great by the way." Regina closed the door and they walked downstairs to eat lunch.

A/N: Yay Regina and Elsa are buddies! Stay tuned in next time to see what Regina and Elsa talk about during lunch and Regina's reaction when she meets Marion again.

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