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A/N: Hi guys! Just wanted to say thank you very much! I found out today that my story has 100 votes and 750+ reads. You seriously don't know how happy I am right now. Can't thank you guys enough. Mwah! Luv you! Anyway, on with the story.

During lunch:

Elsa takes her fork and tries a piece of the lasagna Regina made for her. "Wow! This is delicious!" She exclaims.

"Thank you El-" Regina stops mid-sentence when she sees her foot transforming into ice again.

The ice queen immediately put her fork down and said, "I'll get that!"

Regina put her hands out before Elsa could perform her spell. "No no no! I'll deal with it for now. You should eat first."

"Okay..." the blonde muttered and the two continued to eat their lasagna in silence.

After a few minutes, the former Evil Queen became bothered by all the muteness and spoke up. "Elsa I can't handle this silence anymore. What's wrong?"

The ice queen sighed. "Well... I just feel really guilty for hitting you in the heart. Like it's really dangerous and your body is freezing. And then when you're fully frozen, you can't move or talk, but only able to observe the world go on without you and not do a thing about it. I-It just hurts to know that I casted this horrible fate upon you."

Regina pulled Elsa in for a hug and the ice queen sobbed on her shoulder. "Oh Elsa, I forgive you." Regina whispered as she patted her back.

The ice queen pulled away from the hug and wiped away her tears. "Y-You do?" She asked.

"Of course," Regina responded. "Now let's move away from this topic, is there anything else you wanna talk about? A plan to destroy Rumple? You wanna take a look around town? We can visit the library, or the diner, or go to the docks?"

Elsa eyes lit up. "Wait! Did you say library?"

Regina was taken back by the question. "Yeah... Why? Do you want to go there?"

"No it's not that. It's just that I remember as a little girl going to the castle library and finding this tattered, ripped-out paper on the floor. I read it and it said something about 'to thaw a frozen heart, you need an act of true love.' Maybe if we find your true love and make them kiss you, you'll no longer be frozen! So... any idea about who your true love is?"

Regina stared at the ceiling and thought for a moment, "Well, lets see. As you already know, my first love Daniel died. When I saw Henry, he was a teenager as oppose to the 10-year old I know and love. I don't think that was actually him. All that's left is... Robin Hood."

"Robin Hood..." Elsa repeated,"As in, the man with the lion tattoo who is also your soulmate?"

"Yeah. Him. But how can I make him fall in love with me and kiss me when I have limited time and not to memtion, people are always concerned and asking questions about my freezing body?" said Regina.

Elsa put her hand under her chin and thought for a solution.

An idea popped into her head. "The little boy!" She exclaimed while jumping up from her seat.

Regina was confused. "I don't follow. What little boy?" She asked.

"The one who was crying this morning. He's Robin Hood son! If you bring him to Robin, maybe that can help him trigger feelings for you." Elsa explained.

The former Evil Queen nodded her head. "I remember now! His name was Roland and he did have a resemblance to Robin Hood. I also remember Robin complaining that I can't recall the time we apparently spent together. If I walk up to him and say that I remember and that I love him and stuff, he'll probably kiss me! Wait a minute... Where did you send Roland to?"

Elsa rubbed the back of her head and nervously laughed. "Haha. I kinda sent him to the forest. Everybody's afraid to even step outside that they'll never go to the forest. Haha. We should probably go get him."

"Ya' think?!" Regina joked. She picked up their plates and brought them to the sink. "Come on, lets go get Roland." Regina walked to the stairs. "You need a coat? I'm going upstairs to go grab one."

"No thank you. The cold never really bothered me anyway. Anyway, you do know that I can just poof Roland here right?" Elsa replied.

"I know. It's just that I would really like to take a walk right now." Regina went upstairs and when she came back down, her foot froze and she tumbled down the stairs. Luckily, she caught herself with her magic. Elsa immediately ran to Regina and helped her up.

"You want me to unfreeze your foot before we go?" Elsa asked. "Yes please..." replied Regina.

After Elsa casted the spell, they walked to the forest to find Roland.

Roland was seen crying against a rock in the Merry Men's camp. When he saw Regina, he immediately ran up to her and clung onto her leg. Regina picked him up and wiped away his tears.

"Hi Roland." She motherly cooed.

"Gina'!" He cried out. "D-Do you re-remember me?"

"Yup." She said with a big smile.

Roland smiled back and he clung to the back of Regina's neck. "YAY!" He exclaimed while flashing his dimples.

Regina embraced him. "Come on. Lets go find your father." She said, and the three walked away from the forest and towards the diner.

When they arrived, Regina turned her head to look at Elsa and told her that she should probably stay outside. She then put Roland down and opened the door.

The bell rang and all heads turned to look at Regina. Robin looked at her and their eyes locked.

"Robin?!" She exclaimed with a giant fake smile.

"Regina?" He asked while slowly walking towards her.

"Robin, I remember!" She told him with her arms spread out.

"You remember? You remember!" The outlaw ran up to Regina and spun her around in his arms.

When Robin set her down, he looked into her eyes. "Wait. Regina, you remember?"

"Yeah." Regina said with the fake smile still on her face.

"If you remember, then does that mean... Does that mean you remember seeing Marion?... My wife." Robin asked.

Regina smile instantly turned into frown and her heart sunk. "I- uh... Your what?" She asked.

Just then Marion stepped into the scene and Roland immediately ran into her arms. "Mama!" He cried out.

"Mama?" Regina repeated, her eyes starting to fill up with water.

Marion stood up and looked at Regina. "Are you guys talking about me?"

Regina looked at Robin, then Marion, then back and forth, her eyes welling up with tears until the images of them got blurry.

"I gotta go." She whispered.

Regina turned around and ran out the door.

She met up with Elsa and grabbed her arm. The ice queen saw the tears in her eyes and asked,"Regina what's wrong?"

Regina didn't reply. Instead she waved her hand and made the two of them vanish in a dark smoke.

To be continued.

A/N: I killed you with that "to be continued" didnt I? Next chapter coming up tomorrow or the day after at 1 AM. I would've added more details but I really needed to get this done. Ok bai!

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