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Hi, my name is Maci and I am a student at Hogwarts. If you're wondering, I'm in Ravenclaw. I am on my quidditch team where i play a beater. I have a female pet owl named Milap. I am a pure-blood but I still get along with everyone, even Malfoy. I have straight bright red hair and I'm always wearing my signature bow. I have brown eyes and I'm pretty short so I love to wear heels. Some people call me a flirt but I just like hugs! My best friend is Luna; we're practically sisters and we help eachother out with EVERYTHING. I always stick up for her when others call her Loony, I hate that. My other friend is Rosa, she has curly black hair which I am completely jealous of. She's the artsy girl of our group and is painting She's also a few inches taller than me and has bright blue eyes, which can be seen as creepy but also gentle at times. She is in Hufflepuff but we get along perfectly, but she is on the quidditch team too; she is the keeper. She has a pet toad named Ardena; she told me it means eager. Rosa is a muggle so she keeps me updated on "her world". She has told me a lot about the band One Direction and how cute they are. Well enough about me, let's head to the story.

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