Sorting Hat

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<Niall's P.O.V.>

"Niall Horan" Profesor called. Zayn gave me a pat on the back, knowing I was nervous. I sat down as she placed the hat on my head. " get hungry very easily, don't you?" I chuckled and started to relax. "You seem perfect for.........Hufflepuff!!" a table started to cheer as did all the boys, I saw Li with a blond girl, she looked gorgeous. Oh whoops, everyone is staring at me. I started to walk over to the table with the rest of my house. I instantly started to become friend with another boy named Neville.

<Zayn's P.O.V.>

"Zayn Malik" all the boys cheered for me and I sat down. The sorting hat started to talk right away "Ahhhhh....a mysterious one we got here....Slytherin!!" All the boys clapped and I walked to the Slytherin table and was greeted by a boy with bleach blond hair. "I'm Malfoy, this is Crabbe and Goyle, welcome to Slytherin, the best house here." I smiled and sat down and we started to talk as the rest of the group got called.

<Dani's P.O.V.>

I was next in line. I looked over to Li and saw him talking to a red head girl. She seems nice, I thought to myself. I sat down on the chair and the hat talked " doubt about it........Slytherin!!" my mouth dropped but I still walked over to the table and sat down by Zayn and three other boys. I found out they were Crabbe, Goyle, and the most handsome one, Draco.

<McGonaggol's P.O.V>

I called the next name "Louis Tommlinson" he walked up and smiled to me. I'm sure he is going to be a great student, might be a prankster though. I set the hat on his head. "Ahhh....we have a prankster here don't we?" the hat said. I could see the Weasley boys stand up and cheer. I chuckled to myself. "Louis....Gryffindor!!" The Weasleys began to cheer again and welcomed Louis to the table. They started a conversation and I knew they would get along well. "Harry Styles" I called. He came up on the stage and turned red, remembering the events from last evening when he was petting me. I sat the hat down on his head. "Ahh..a funny one eh? and loyal?... Gryffindor!!" the hat shouted. Harry jumped up and ran over to Lou and hugged him. I smiled to myself. "Last but not least...Eleanor Calder" She sat down on the stool. "Hmmm....very kind I see.......Hufflepuff!" it shouted.

<El's P.O.V.>

"Hufflepuff!" the hat shouted. I smiled and walked down to hug Nialler. Since Lou wasn't in my house, at least I had my leprechaun! I smiled over to Lou and he waved. Then Dumbledore announced "Let the feast begin!" These cute little elves came out, serving us food. Oh great. I looked over to Niall who looked like a little kid on Christmas. He started to stuff his face and i just giggled at him as I started to eat my food. This was going to be a good year.

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