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<Louis' P.O.V.>

I woke up the next morning in my room. I was sharing it with Hazza, Fred Weasley and George. Hopefully they don't pull pranks on us while we're sleeping. We have all decided to team together though, become alliances. I haven't seen El since last night at the ceremony, I really miss her but I'm glad she has Nialler with her. And anyways, I had my Hazza with me. I looked over to see him sleeping, he looks so peaceful. He woke up, looked over and smiled at me. "We better get to class." I told him. He nodded and we got dressed into our robes.

<Harry's P.O.V.>

I was sleeping but could feel Lou staring at me. I woke up and smiled. He said we have to get to class so I threw on my Gryffindor sweater, tie, my pants, robe etc. I had to help Lou with his tie though, he just stared at me the whole time, glancing down at my lips, oh our messed up relationship. I smiled, tied it, then smacked him. He pouted so I gave him a hug. We left to go to our first class, Potions.

<Zayn's P.O.V.>

I woke up that morning, smiling. My first class that day was Potions, Draco told me it's an easy class because Snape loves the Slytherin's. Sweet! I was sharing a room with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. I seemed to fit into their group well. I did see a girl with black hair in Ravenclaw though that caught my eye. She looked absolutely stunning! Her bright blue eyes were so, mysterious! I chuckled to myself, that was what the sorting hat had called me. Draco woke up, smiling too, he's not as bad as most people say, he's actually really nice, just misunderstood. I threw on Slytherin apparel, did my hair, then walked out with my group.

<Niall's P.O.V.>

I woke up, realizing what time it was and jumped out of bed. I was sharing a room with Neville, a guy named Cedric, Cadwallader, and a guy named Owen Cauldwell. We all seemed to get along well and they loved my weird Irish-ness. I did my Irish jig for them last night and they all clapped then joined it. My first class today was Potions, great, I thought. With Snape, I heard that he was a hard teacher if you weren't in Slytherin. I got dressed, put on my clothes then robe and walked to my first class with Neville.

Maci's Crazy Year at Hogwarts (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now