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<Maci's P.O.V.>

"Shit!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to explain. "My quidditch game is going to start in an hour! I have to eat quick then get to the field!" How had it already been a few hours since I got hurt? I went over to everyone, giving them hugs, telling them they had to come see the game. I stopped at Li and he grinned down at me; sometimes, I loved being short. I grabbed him close and kissed him. I heard everyone cheer. I pulled away, giggled, and ran off with Rosa. I turned around and saw Lou giving Liam a high-five. I saw Liam blush, he was so cute! I said goodbye to Rosa, we are on other teams after all. I walked into the locker room, and got changed into my quidditch uniform. I know it's not the most attractive but hey! I love this game. I re-did my pony-tail and put my bow back in. I fixed up my makeup and sat down with Cho Chang, waiting for our captain to walk in. Me and Cho somewhat get along, but I know she doesn't really like me. As we were talking, our captain, Roger Davies walked in. "Hi Mae, still staying strong huh?" he asked. Great, so now everyone knew what happened. I faked a smile and nodded. "Alright everyone, we have Hufflepuff today, everyone knows what the need to do, and Cho, get that snitch!" We walked out onto the field and started our chant. 

"Make way for the blue,

We're impossibly clever

But whatever you endeavor

Remember we can sue

Our claws come down upon you

but remember we've got brains

We'll lock you up in chains

So be careful what you do

You prob'ly think you're smart

But we'll make you reconsider

Don't be bitter

At least you've got a big heart"

We could her "Oh's!!!" throughout the whole stadium. I looked up to our fan section and saw Lou, Luna, Liam, and Hazza. I grinned and waved to them and they waved back. I looked over to the Hufflepuff side and saw Niall, El, and Zayn, I stuck my tongue out at them playfully and they laughed and waved back. We continued the chant

"Don't foget that we're the winner

You cannot change that fact

The soaring blue have made a pact

To eat the rest for dinner

We'll fight you all at once

Our brains are far superior

so sorry dear

but you're a dunce

And Ravenclaw's the winner!" (all right given to skatinglils from hogwarts experience website)

We heard the Ravenclaw section cheer and we all mounted on our brooms. I grabbed my club and we all started to lift off. We heard Lee Jordan announce "Today's match is Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff. The very talented Maci Glogg! Who has been cursed today! A very tough cookie, I'll say." I heard tons of cheers, Lou being the loudest. I smiled, and blew him a kiss and he caught it. Harry laughed and Liam pouted. I blew him a kiss too and he embraced it, making a kissy face. I laughed at him and he grinned back.

<Liam's P.O.V.>

"A very tough cookie, I'll say" I heard the announcer say. Me, Lou, Harry, and Luna all started to cheer. Lou was the loudest so he got a kiss blown to him. Yes, I was jealous so I pouted. She smiled then blew me a kiss too and I embraced it, making a kissy face which she laughed at. How did I get so lucky? She is absolutely perfect. The game started and I saw a ball head towards our seeker, Cho. Maci had told me it is called a bludger, it looked violent. Just as it was about to hit her, Mae hit it with her club and it flew away to the Hufflepuff team. Wow, I have to remember to never make her mad. The score was 20-30, us winning. That's when things went wrong again.

<Lou's P.O.V.>

Ravenclaw was beating Hufflepuff, I was so proud of Mae! She was doing well making sure none of her teammates got hit by the bludgers. Then, it happened. All of a sudden, a swarm of bludgers flew at her, she tried dodging them and hitting some but they just wouldn't stop. Everyone, including all the teachers, looked around to see what was happening. I looked over to the ground and their was Dani and Draco, hiding and letting go of bludgers. No! I would not let my best friend end up in the hospital again! I saw Macgonaggal start to look around too, I mean Mae was her favorite student after all. When she spotted Dani she took out her wand. She closed the trunk holding the bludgers. She ran over to Dani and Dumbledore followed, making sure she would be expelled from Hogwarts. Everyone was causing a fuss when Maci got hit by one of the bludgers, she started to fall off her broom and I could see Liam trying to run and catch her. We all knew he wouldn't make it in time but he just had to try.

<Maci's P.O.V,>

The bludgers had stopped coming so I re-situated up onto my broom. Everyone was looking to the ground so I decided to too. I saw Dani and Draco there; so they had let the bludgers go, should have guessed. That bitch! And Draco? I thought he was my friend?! Well obviously not anymore. I heard my name and turned around to be greeted by a bludger hitting me in the stomach. As I got knocked off my broom I saw Liam try to run over to catch me; poor guy, I thought. He has been through a lot in the past few days. Well I guess, so have I. I closed my eyes to brace myself for the fall, I was pretty high up. I stopped falling a little too quick. I opened my eyes to see Oliver Wood cradling me in his arms, smiling down at me. Oh, did I forget to mention? I have had the biggest crush on him since my first year.

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