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<Liam's P.O.V.>

Wow, I thought when I woke up. If you're wondering, I had a dream about Mae last night. I wonder if I'm allowed to call her that. Anyways, I''m not going into full detail, let's just say, seeing her today will be even more awkward then I had expected. I got dressed, put on my Ravenclaw robe and walked to Potions class. I sat down with a guy named Eddie, who was also in my house. I saw Niall, Lou, Zayn, and Harry were in this class too and smiled and said hi to them, they all did the same. I sat back down just as Maci was walking in. She was decked out in her Ravenclaw gear. I remembered, she had a game today. So she was spirited huh? Good to know. Then I saw what she was wearing under her robe, (she didn't tie it closed, jeeze!) She was wearing a fitted striped shirt with the Ravenclaw crest on it. A Ravenclaw tie, and her signature bow. Then I looked at her legs, wow, she was wearing another short skirt. I could see Harry smirk at her and she smiled back. She took a seat in front of me and turned around. "Hey Liam!" she cooed.

<Maci's P.O.V.>

I woke up that morning, remembering I had a game. We were so going to kick Hufflepuff's butt! I took a shower quickly and threw my hair in a ponytail. I painted my nails did my makeup and threw my bow in my hair. I grabbed my tote bag and put my essentials in it, makeup to do touch-ups, deodorant and perfume to smell good, and my favorite muggle book The Hunger Games. I looked up and saw Luna grinning at me. "Liam is going to love you in that!" she squealed. I elbowed her to keep it down and said, "Well, he has a girlfriend who's gorgeous so." We left it at that. As we left I slipped on my navy blue Toms that Rosa had gotten me when she was home. They were my favorite shoes ever, even though it showed how short I am. I said goodbye to Luna and walked to meet up with Rosa; she whistled and me and I laughed at her. I saw she was decked out in her Hufflpuff gear, I stuck my tongue out at her, knowing she did this because she knew I get all decked out. She did the same and we laughed as we walked to Potions. As we walked in I saw a Gryffindor (Harry S. I think) grin at me. I smiled at him and took a seat in front of Liam. "Hey Liam!" I said. "Hi Maci!" he returned. His Gryffindor friend came over to me and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Harry, Harry Styles." he held out his hand. I took it, shaking it. "I'm Maci, Maci Glogg, it's nice to meet you" "It's my pleasure" he said, looking me up and down. I laughed and gave him a hug. He turned red and I could see Liam get angry, jealous huh? "I'm a hugger!" I said, giggling.

<Harry's P.O.V.>

"I'm a hugger!" the stunning red head said as she pulled out of the hug. Wow, I thought to myself. Good. I saw Li get angry when she hugged me, ahhh so he likes her? Poor Dani. I sat back down next to Lou. I saw Niall go introduce himself. Don't get jealous Hazza, don't get jealous.

<Niall's P.O.V.>

I saw Harry go introduce himself so I thought I would too. "Hi Maci, I'm Niall, Liam and Harry's friend." She took me into her embrace. "Hi cutie, you're Irish huh?" she smirked. I nodded smiling back. "Well, a friend of Liam's is a friend of mine." She said, smirking over at Liam who had look distraught. He automatically got a smile on his face. She seems like a perfect girl. I introduced myself to Rosa to, then I noticed a certain blond was missing. "Where's your blond friend?" I asked. Maci smiled and said "She's in a different class, I'll introduce you two later though, kay?" I agreed and went to sit back down next to Neville.

<Louis' P.O.V>

Well, everyone else had introduced themselves to her, so I guess I should too. Except Zayn, where was Zayn? I shook my thoughts and walked over to Maci. "Hello Maci, I'm Louis Tomlinson, the attractive friend" She giggled and nodded, pulling me into a hug. Wow, this girl gives the best hugs in the world! I looked down at her shoes "No way!! You're wearing Toms?!?!?" She nodded, smiling at me. "My friend Rosa bought them for me when she was home......I've never been to the muggle world before" she said, putting her head down embarrassed. I could see Liam feel bad and want to comfort her but then Snape walked in. oh yippee. "Gryffindor! sit down!" I went and sat down, waving to Maci, my new friend.

<Zayn's P.O.V.>

I walked into class late with Crabbe. Snape just looked at us and said "Take a seat." We did and I saw the amazing black haired girl again. She was sitting next to a red head, decked out in Ravenclaw clothes. Behind her was Liam and another Ravenclaw. During the whole class I could see Liam staring at the red head in awe. She seems perfect for him but I don't know how he'd tell Dani. I would have to have Liam introduce me to them later.

Maci's Crazy Year at Hogwarts (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now