Happy Dancing

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<Louis' P.O.V.>

I walked over to Maci's bed. She wasn't moving. I can't believe I might lose my new best friend. She was like the female version of me. I kissed her on her forehead and sat at the end of the bed, hoping, praying she would wake up. "I'm still going to be able to play in the quidditch game, right?" I heard. Could it be? I turned to Mae and yes it was, she was awake! I tackled her in a hug and she started to giggle. She's back! Pomfrey answered her question shortly after, "Mae, you know one shouldn't play quidditch after they have been hurt..but.....I know you are one tough cookie and I'm 100 percent sure you will be fine...so yes!" Mae stood up on her bed happy dancing. I could see the pure joy in Liam's eyes as he watched her. She pulled me up with her and we continued to party dance. Niall was doing an Irish jig on the ground, trying to teach Luna how to. Mae pulled Li onto the bed with us and I did the same with El so we could all dance. Rosa and Harry were happy dancing on the floor too. Everything was perfect. Then Zayn walked in, laughing at us all.

<Zayn's P.O.V>

As I got to the nurse, I saw Lou, El, Li, and the red head happy dancing on the bed. Then I saw Niall and a blond doing the Irish jig. Go Nialler! I looked to the other side of the bed and saw the dark haired girl dancing with Harry. My smile faded away as I went to talk to Lou. "I'm so sorry little red." I said as I walked over. She smiled sincerely then jumped off the bed. This made Liam nervous but she just smiled back. She took me in a hug saying, "Hi! I'm Maci! It's nice to meet the final friend!" I smiled saying "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Zayn." She nodded, taking my hand dragging me over to Niall and the blond. "Luna, this is Zayn, Zayn this is Luna." We said our hello's and again she was dragging me along, Li always liked  a powerful girl. Then I saw who she stopped in front of. "Rosa this is Zayn, Zayn, Rosa." I could see Rosa blush as she put her hand out. I took it and I could feel shivers going down my spine. Woah, I thought to myself. We smiled at each other and dropped hands. "Shit!" I heard Maci exlaimed. We all looked at her for her answer.

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