Lunch Time

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<Rosa's P.O.V.>

I woke up that morning and decided to straighten my hair, I have no clue how Mae was jealous of my beastly hair! I threw it up in a ponytail and applied my makeup. I knew Mae would be decked out in her Ravenclaw clothes so I decked out in my Hufflepuff; we're so going to win the game! I said goodbye to El, (she seems really sweet, I can't wait to meet Louis) and ran off to find Maci. I saw her and whistled at her, she laughed at me. This was our daily routine. She stuck her tongue out at me and I did the same. We walked into class and a curly headed boy smirked at her. Yeah go Mae! She smiled back at him and we sat down in front of Liam. I could tell he liked her a lot, but I remembered he had a girlfriend. All of Liam's friends came and introduced themselves, they all seem really funny and nice. I still can't believe I met One Direction!! All of a sudden Crabbe and a handsome black haired boy walked in. I think his name was....Zayn? Yeah he was in One Direction too! He smiled at me and I shyly looked away. I needed to meet him ASAP. As Snape started class I could see Liam looking at Mae like a lovesick puppy. Awww. The bell rang and we all filed out, heading outside to eat our lunches.

<Luna's P.O.V.>

That morning I woke up, dreading it and wishing I could go back to sleep. I wouldn't have my girl Mae in my first class, which bummed me out. Oh well, I thought, getting dressed. I saw what Mae was wearing and whistled saying "Liam is going to love you in that." "He has a girlfriend." she said in a stern voice; we left it at that. I hugged her and said goodbye and went to my first class, D.A.D.A. I loved this class. I walked in the room and sat next to Hermoine, I think she can get annoyed with me sometimes but she doesn't say anything. She smiled at me and I smiled back. The class went by very fast. I walked out with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine and asked them if they wanted to sit with Maci, me, and Rosa. They all agreed, but Harry looked uneasy; we went outside to meet up with them.

<Maci's P.O.V.>

"Liam, do you and your friends want to sit with me and mine?" I asked. He nodded, smiling at me. We all walked out to meet with Luna. Oh great, I thought. Here comes my crazy ex. "Hi Harry." I said through my teeth. Ron noticed and laughed so I gave him a smile. Yes, I have dated "the chosen one" he got too clingy though so I broke up with him. They all sat down but I walked over to Luna, dragging her over with me to Niall. "Niall, this is Luna, Luna, this is Niall." I could see them both blush as they started on a deep conversation. I regained my spot next to Liam and Lou. "They're so cute." I cooed; looking over at the two blonds. Lou grinned at me "Matchmaker huh?" I grinned "Just call me the love doctor." i said. He laughed. "We're going to be best friends Mae, alright?" Lou said. "Of course Lou!" I exclaimed, hugging him. "Hey, stay off of my husband!" Harry yelled, pulling Lou on top of him and petting his hair. I couldn't help it, I burst into a fit of laughter.

<Lou's P.O.V.>

"Hey stay off of my husband!" Harry shouted, pulling me on top of him as he started to pet my hair. This made Mae burst into laughter. I'm glad me and her are best friends, we seem very alike. All of a sudden I heard a voice "Harold! He's my boyfriend!" El said running over to us. I laughed and gave her a kiss. Harry pouted so I kissed him on the cheek too. This made Mae laugh even harder. Liam then burst into a fit of laughs too, I could tell he loved it when she laughed. "El, this is Mae, Mae, this is El." Maci stopped laughing, stood up and gave El a big hug "Your boyfriend is a goofball!" she said, pulling out of the hug. El laughed "I know, it's nice to meet you finally!" "You too!" Mae said. "Hey! Don't turn into me and Harry now!" I said. They both laughed and hit me. "Hey!" I shouted. They sat back down, Mae next to Liam. Mae yawned and leaned into Li. She looked up into his eyes and he smiled down at her. Oh great.

<Liam's P.O.V.>

Mae yawned and leaned her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. She snuggled into me, this was perfect. I started to sing "It Girl" into her and she started smiling. She side hugged me, oh I love side hugs. I finished the song and she clapped and giggled. Then, we looked into eachother's eyes and it happened. I leaned into her and started to kiss her. I know it was bad but I couldn't help it. I took her from off my lap and lay her in the grass. I started to straddle her and she giggled again, biting her lip. All the guys grinned at me, they didn't really like Dani, they all loved Maci. I leaned down into her and we started making out. Then, the worst thing that could happen, did.

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