Short Chapter

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<Dani's P.O.V>

I walked into Charms class, noticing only one seat was open. Malfoy pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. He smirked at me and I smirked back. The teacher went into a boring lecture but I couldn't pay attention because Malfoy kept rubbing his hand up and down my leg. So many shivers went down my spine, I know it was bad, but I liked it. The sorting has was right, I was perfect for Slytherin.

<El's P.O.V.>

Great, classes. I thought to myself as I woke up. I was sharing a room with Rosa, Hannah Abbott, and Susan Bones. They all seemed nice and they asked my about Lou. I smiled the whole time explaining him. They told me they want to meet him and i said  of course! My first class of the day was Charms. I had it with Susan. I said goodbye to Rosa as she jetted off to meet up with her friend Maci. I think we're going to need a huge group day where we meet all of each-others' friends. I'm going to have to set that up. I threw on my Hufflepuff robes and skipped off linking arms with Susan. We were talking as I saw Dani walk in. She smiled over then walked to the back with a blond haired boy. I don't like this, I thought to myself. They were grinning at each other the whole time, poor Li.

Maci's Crazy Year at Hogwarts (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now