Goodnight Liam

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<Liam's P.O.V.>

We had all finished eating at were told to walk back to our corridors. We were all told our stuff were in our rooms when Nadir came and flew on my shoulder. "Aww what's his name?" Maci asked me. I turned beat red and said "His name is Nadir, it means dearly loved." I blushed again realizing how corny that sounded. She smiled though and held up a cage "This is my owl, Milap, it means charitable." So she's kind too, this girl is perfect. Our owls looked at each other and the started to nuzzle beaks. She giggled "I think they like each other." Oh that giggle, that was the cutest thing I have ever heard in my life. I smiled at her and the two owls flew away. I started to worry but she reassured me. "It's fine, they like to roam the castle at night, but we're not allowed to, which I see is unfair."

<Maci's P.O.V.>

Our owls flew away and I could see him become uneasy, I reassured him that they always do this. Our head master, Flitwick, answered the riddle and the door to our corridors was open. "You guys have one hour before bedtime but I would suggest you all go to sleep now, especially our quidditch players." he exited the room. I sat down on the couch and patted down for Liam to come sit down. I took off my robes and started over to the fire and started it. I could feel Liam staring at me so before I walked back over I bent down and poked the fire. I walked back over and saw Liam beat red. I winked to him and he got even more red.

<Liam's P.O.V.>

She patted down on the couch for me to sit down. I came over and she stood up and started to take her robes off. Holy shit! Is she really stripping in front of me? Then I realized she had clothes on under and chuckled telling myself I was obviously put in the wrong house because how dumb I am. I saw she was wearing a Ravenclaw sweater and a grey short skirt. She walked over to the fireplace and all I could do was stare at her butt. I'm usually not one to do this with women but bloody hell! Her butt was amazing! It was the perfect size, a little big but not too big. Before she came back she walked back to the fire and bent down. I turned beat red when I saw this. She came and sat back down, winking at me, which made me even more red. I tried to play cool so I smiled at her. Her friend Luna came over to us and said "Maci! What the hell? It's been two hours since Flitwick left!" Then she saw us and grinned, I turned red AGAIN. Why am I such a blusher?

<Maci's P.O.V.>

"It's been two hours since Flitwick left!" Luna yelled. When did she get here? She saw me with Liam and grinned at us, I could see Liam turn red again. It was so cute! I stood up to go to bed and he started to follow. I giggled, "Boys bedrooms are on the other side" He looked embarrassed. I gave him a hug, a really close hug. "Goodnight Liam" I whispered in his ear and ran away giggling with Luna up the stairs. When we were in our room Luna told me to spill. I told her and all she said was "You flirt!" Then we went to sleep, laughing.

<Liam's P.O.V.>

I started to follow her up the stairs. She giggled and said "Boy's bedrooms are on the other side." Why am I so embarrassing? She then pulled me into a hug, a super close hug. "Goodnight Liam" she whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. She then ran away giggling with Luna. She is the definition of perfect. I went to the other staircase and walked up. Two guys greeted me. Their names were Michael Corner and Stephen Cornfoot. Michael smiled at me "You were with Mae, huh?" I nodded and he grinned. What? Does she do this to all the first years? Flirt with them then ditch them? Mike noticed I looked uneasy so he started "Don't worry, Mae is a nice girl, she has been my friend since first year. There's a quidditch game tomorrow, you'll have to come! We're playing Hufflepuff, you can sit with us" I said thank you and right before he went to sleep he said, "Oh, and she's on the team." What? So I'm going to watch her play quidditch? Hopefully I don't do anything stupid like fall out of the bleachers

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