Welcome to Hogwarts

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(A/N: side picture is what Rosa was wearing)

<Liam's P.O.V.>

I'm so glad Dani gets to come with us! She is asleep on me right now, her head on my shoulder. I love moments like these. All of a sudden the train made a quick stop. Dani jerked awake and smiled at me. "Alright we're here!" the conductor shouted. I grabbed her hand and we ran out of the train. We all see Hogwarts across a lake. It looked huge! Everyone started to cheer. A big man came out and started to talk to us. "Hello One Direction and friends" I nudged Dani and mouthed "friends" and winked. She elbowed me in the stomach and I laughed. "We will all board the boats now and head to Hogwarts, since it is now evening again, you will all be sorted" he continued. It's already the next day? Wow, that went fast. "Alright, everyone on." We all got on the boats and headed over. The boats moved by themselves! I know I'm going to love it here. We got to the castle and got out of the boats, our things were already there. "Welcome to Hogwarts." Hagrid said.

<Louis' P.O.V.>

"Welcome to Hogwarts" Hagrid said. He seems like a very kind man. I think we will get along well. Hagrid brought us inside. Holy crap it was huge! I started yelling just to hear my echo. Hagrid laughed and El elbowed me to be quiet.  Hagrid told us to follow and we ended up in the Great Hall. We saw an old man on a podium. He looked silly so I started to laugh again and I could see Niall was in hysterics. "SILENCE!" the man shouted as he held his want to his beard. Cool! "Welcome first years to Hogwarts! I am Professor Dumbledore. You all will be sorted using this sorting hat. Alright McGonaggal, call them, up" he said. Thank god because Dumbledore seems scary. She smiled at us and called the first name "Liam Payne!" Liam awkwardly walked up to the seat as she put the hat on his head.

<Maci's P.O.V.>

Rosa, from the table next to me, nudged me as a group of first years walked in. "That's One Direction!" she whisper shouted to me. Wow, they really are cute! Especially the one wearing plaid under his robes. All of a sudden I saw he was holding hands with a gorgeous girl with curly hair. Of course. I sighed and watched as McGonaggal called him up. Liam.. hmm what a cute name, hopefully he gets sorted into Ravenclaw!

Maci's Crazy Year at Hogwarts (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now