A Beautiful Distraction

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Strongarm is different in this, instead of a "by-the-book cop" she's a criminal and loves that lifestyle. Also, a big thank you to my friends who helped me with this. 

Also, if you're reading this without reading my The Wolf-Con and the Cadet series, or are reading this before reading that, the other Wolf-Cons that are with Steeljaw are OCs my, now ex, friend and I came up with for that series. They appear in book three of that series.



Nighttime fell over Cybertron and all you could hear and see were the lights of the planet and bots bustling around. But this night was special, for this night a masquerade party was being held at the Cybertronian Historian Museum to celebrate a special finding. They have been using so much they learned from the humans so they figured why not take one of their types of parties. In all the mining they did on Earth and other planets they came across crystalized Red and Dark Energon, they had been sitting for so long that they crystalized and are now like rare, expensive crystals. They're putting it in the museum as a reminder of their encounters, along with all sorts of stuff from the war.

Steeljaw and his pack were outside, watching the bots flood into the museum, they were planning on stealing the crystal Energon to make some big credits off it. Steeljaw put on his mask as he got ready to go in, he was going in alone so as not to raise suspicion. He had a plan all set out for this and he was certain he wouldn't fail. 

He wore a cat-like mask that covered his snout a bit to conceal his identity so as not to let on to who he was, he was one of the most wanted criminals on Cybertron and every bot knew of him, so he had to be careful not to let his identity be known or this heist would be a complete fail. 

He began heading over to the entrance when he was grabbed by the arm. He looked back and saw the Wolf-Con femme, Quickshadow, holding his arm and looking at him with love in her optics. She had been in love with him since she first met him. Her optics roamed over his face with admiration, "You look hot in that mask," she said in a seductive tone as she rubbed his arm.

"Quickshadow, quit trying to seduce our boss," her brother Voltstrike said trying to get her off Steeljaw. 

Quickshadow growled at him as she continued to hang onto Steeljaw, "We're in love and we plan on being together, now stop bugging us!" She says as she wraps her tail around Steeljaw's.

Steeljaw rolled his optics and sighed as he pulled his tail away and free of hers, but he looked at her with his signature smirk. "Thank you, babe, I appreciate the compliment. But if you could let me go now so I can get to work that would be nice."

Quickshadow grinned as she released his arm, but before he could leave she grabbed him and tried to kiss him on the lips, he saw it coming and he moved his helm so she kissed his cheek instead. She pouted and he chuckled, "No kissing on the lips, babe, not until after mating," he tells her as he gets free and heads to the museum, quickly. He shivered in disgust as he walked to the doors, he couldn't stand that femme. 

He'll admit she is decent looking but there's just something about her that he just hates, he can't stand being by her, he can't stand the way she throws herself at him and he can't stand her kissing him, and saying they're in love and will be mates. He honestly doesn't want any of that, not with any femme and certainly not with her. 

He only puts up with her being around because of her three brothers, he wants them in his pack so he puts up with their sister. But he will never love her or mate with her, mating just isn't in his plan for his future. If he can find a femme that can win him over and steal his spark he will make an exception, but there has been no such femme so far.

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